4 Reasons Why A Gemini Man Never Initiates Contact

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
Are you dating someone new and thinking, "Why is it that a Gemini man never initiates contact?" I've come up with possible reasons why he never texts first.

The Gemini man texting style can definitely be erratic and all over the place. One minute he is super hot, always texting and the next he is quiet as a mouse. This is what Gemini men are like, definitely not the most consistent in the Zodiac. 

When a Gemini man never initiates contact, it is usually a sign that they aren’t that interested or excited about the connection any longer. These guys are the definition of ADHD and are always on the lookout for the next best and most exciting thing.

It often isn’t very personal, they are just very changeable by nature. This might be the reason why your Gemini man takes forever to respond to you. If he isn’t talking to you, he is either talking to someone else or is occupied with something he sees as more interesting.

Has this ever happened to you with a Gemini man? Is this currently happening to you with a Gemini man? I am so sorry! Keep on reading to find out more about why a Gemini man never initiates contact and how to fix this!

Gemini Man Texting Style — Basics

Gemini men are the communicators of the Zodiac! These guys just love talking and sharing ideas with basically anyone who cares to listen. It is very important for these men to have strong communication with the people in their lives.

This is why Gemini men can actually be really intense when they are texting you. They are the type to send walls and walls of text messages, it can be pretty full on and overwhelming at times, trust me, I know, I am a Gemini and I love communicating!

Geminis will text you about anything and everything. They love sharing their ideas and sending jokes and memes, but they also like having discussions about pretty much anything. They are very cerebral and enjoy mental stimulation through conversation and texting.

However, when a Gemini man gets bored by the conversation, they will pretty much just move on and start texting someone else. It can go from 0 to 100 in a second with these guys. That’s why you might find it kind of jarring when they just go silent without any warning.

And Geminis can go hot and then cold, and then hot again. You never quite know what to expect with these guys. In fact, expect the unexpected!

4 Possible Reasons Why A Gemini Man Never Initiates Contact But Always Replies

1. He Is Losing Interest

Gemini men are not a commitment type of guys; not to say they won’t; but rather more that they avoid it until they’re sure. That being said; he will flirt a whole heck of a lot. When a Gemini man likes someone; he will be thick with it at times.

This sets the scene up for making you think he’ll always be that way. The truth is though; they don’t stay that way. Once the novelty or excitement fades; he starts to get bored with it and he stops doing it as much.

He’ll still keep in contact via call or text but he won’t be as excited as he once was. Unless you find topics of conversation that are exciting that haven’t been discussed before; he’s likely to keep it short and sweet with you.

This is typical Gemini behaviour. The only way to keep the excitement alive in a relationship with him is going to be to come up with unexplored topics of conversation or plans for activities.

2. Gemini Man Too Busy For Me

What you need to understand about this guy is that he’s always busy. He may not physically be but he is mentally busy. This means that he always has something or multiple things going on in his brain.

This will make him prioritize and try to handle things are they come. That’s not to say he isn’t thinking of you but again; unless you’re serious together; he’s thinking that his problems or projects are probably more important at the time.

He is the type of guy who has many irons in the fire and is always trying to study things he’s passionate about. Sometimes he starts projects that he’s passionate about and then doesn’t finish them.

Sadly; he can be this way with relationships also. He may start one up too quickly and realize that it’s not really good for him at that time or that the person he chose wasn’t right so he’ll back out.

Just keep in mind that there is never NOTHING going on in his head. He’s highly analytical and very intellectual. He is literally ALWAYS thinking. Many Gemini men suffer from anxiety as well as insomnia if they are not careful.

You may also want to read: What Does It Mean When A Gemini Man Says He Needs Space?

3. He Has A Lot Going On In His Life

If you aren’t in a serious relationship with your Gemini guy; he doesn’t feel like he is obligated to respond to you as quickly or every time you reach out. This is one of the reasons Gemini men take awhile to commit.

He isn’t in any hurry to be in a relationship with anyone. He doesn’t want to answer to anyone and appreciates his personal space.

So if you’ve just met him or you’re dating him (not serious); he may not be as on top of communications as you are or would like him to be.  If you are new with him; having an expectation may be disappointing for you.

If you ARE in a serious relationship; you probably already know that your Gemini guy’s brain is often scattered as he has a million and one things on in his mind which makes him forget things.

He has his hand in many projects or ideas thus creating no space in his brain to worry about small things. I’m not saying he thinks you’re small but in the grand scheme of things, he knows he’ll get back to you when he can.

If you are understanding of him and love him; this is one of those things you’ll accept about him. Unconditional love is the only way you can fully enjoy being in a serious relationship with a Gemini man.

4. He Thinks You Are Needy And Clingy

Well, if you are the type of woman that needs to have constant validation; you’re not the right one for him anyway. He needs a woman who is self-confident, independent and doesn’t hang on to his every call or text.

If you truly understand where a Gemini man is coming from; you’ll get that he’s often busy in his head and this can cause him to be forgetful or space things off entirely.

If he isn’t texting you back or returning your calls at a time that you’d really like him to; relax!! It’s not the end all be all if he doesn’t respond immediately.

Gemini men are always busy. It may frustrate you when you want to hear from him but don’t. However; if you keep it light and fun, and leave off the expectation; you’ll find that when you do get a text or call; it will be QUALITY.

So you need to decide if you want quantity or quality. He’s willing to give you quality but I’ve yet to meet a Gemini man that wants to be in constant contact with his lady. He’s a busy guy.

If you need to have answers right away; you may seek out a man who is more open to having more contact such as Cancer or Pisces. Gemini is too all over the place…

Here’s more on what a Gemini man likes and dislikes in a woman.

A Gemini Man Says He Likes Me, But He Doesn’t Text First — Is He Playing With Me?

Unfortunately, Gemini men aren’t the most consistent, and they are definitely not always relationship material. They tend to be all over the place and have a hard time with commitment. It doesn’t help that they are so charming and can easily make a woman fall in love with them. A Gemini man giving mixed signals is very common!

I actually think as a general rule, it would be better for you to just expect that a Gemini man is playing you, point blank. This way it will be less likely for you to get hurt because you know what to expect of him.

He knows all the right things to say to get you to fall for him, but more often than not, a Gemini man is charming his way through life and uninterested in pursuing a serious relationship. And if he is, you won’t have any doubts about him!

Should I Text A Gemini Man First?

If you keep texting and calling despite his not responding; you’re going to look as though you’re becoming co-dependent on him and this is something he will avoid like the plague.

The best way to keep a Gemini man interested is to send one or two simple texts to say hello and tell him to have a good day or to send him a flirt. If he doesn’t respond; leave it alone and go about your business.

It’s important you really understand this guy before you get yourself entangled with a Gemini man. He will text you if he wants to, you don’t need to do all the groundwork for him.

Will a Gemini man make the first move? Yes, if you actually let him come to you first.

If you are still confused as to when and if you should text a Gemini man, I have just the right thing to help you out. Take my quiz “Should I Text a Gemini Man First and you will get the answer now…

If A Gemini Man Never Initiates Contact, Should I Just Stop Texting Him?

If a Gemini man is never texting you first, you need to start to wonder why. Is he even interested in you in the first place? If he was really interested in you then surely he would be dying to speak to you.

This is why I think you should stop texting him first, and see if he actually recognises that you have gone silent. It isn’t right that you are the one always making the move, and he just gets to enjoy it.

I bet you are unhappy with this, you need to put your foot down! If you never hear from him again, is it really a loss for you? At least you will know how he feels about you and you can stop wasting your time on him. 

Stop texting him first, and see what happens!

If Your Gemini Man Never Initiates Contact, DON’T Do This…

I’ve heard from so many of my clients that their Gemini man is AMAZING when they are in person with him… So charming, sweet, funny, and really connected!

But he can tend to pull away when you’re not with him.

It’s a super frustrating situation for any woman. And if you are like my other clients who have been through this, you’re probably feeling REALLY confused.

“Why is he so hot and cold through text?”

“Why does he back off when we aren’t together?”

And most importantly…

“What can I DO about this?”

First, I want to share the things you definitely should NOT do in this situation…

  1. Don’t get clingy or needy and ask him if something is wrong or beg to see him
  2. Don’t force closure if you’ve had some conflict. Wait until you can talk in person about important issues. Text can EASILY lead to miscommunication.
  3. Don’t assume that there IS a problem. He could just be really busy.
  4. Don’t get upset with him or freak out. This will only push him away.
  5. Don’t ignore him so he can “see what it feels like.”

So what SHOULD you do instead?

  1. Take some time out to reflect on the situation and consider logical reasons for his actions.
  2. Give him space and time with zero pressure. He might be overwhelmed with work or not be feeling well. 
  3. Focus on your own life. If you don’t have an epic life filled with hobbies and time with friends or family, you need to build that.

Text can be challenging, and I don’t want you to feel alone in this. I don’t want you to lie in bed unable to sleep because you are worried about why your Gemini man is pulling away.

And there is no need for you to do that.

Especially when I can guide you on how to deeply connect with his heart through text messages… 

Because when you know SPECIFICALLY what to text him based on his astrology… 

He WON’T be pulling away anymore. And you’ll never again have to worry about what to say to your lovely Gemini man through text anymore.

Go see what I mean here now so he never pulls away again.



About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

20 thoughts on “4 Reasons Why A Gemini Man Never Initiates Contact

    1. I’m trying to decipher if he’s truly trying to wait until he graduates college to commit or further our relationship. I have known him for about four years now and we’ve never been in the same state which is the reason why we’ve never actually deep in our relationship because I don’t want to be in a long distant relationship as it would only make me insecure. I’m a bad Overthinker and need assurance at times so I made a decision that I couldn’t be in a relationship with him at the time. However to fast forward Two years he continues to keep a word in my ear and I call him every day. Recently he flew me out to the state he is currently in and we spent three days together. He told me he cares about me but that I am not a priority… that obviously hurt my feelings and we argued about it for a little while and then he told me that he just wanted me to know the truth and that he just didn’t want me to never talk to him again after I returned home. He then proceeded to pay for my meals and make passionate love to me the entire time as well as making out with me in the airport in front of everyone but still I feel odd that regardless of our situation he would still want to commit. Is he only in love with my body? After he graduates in a year will he still want me even though he’s been chasing me for so long? What should I do here ? I have very strong feelings and feel that with time I can see my self married to him but is this all one sided ?

      1. Hi Miranda!

        Ok so he’s telling you that he isn’t ready to be in a committed relationship right now because he has other priorities. It’s not because he doesn’t like you. He really enjoys spending time with you and talking to you. That’s real. There is no guarantee about what the future will bring so now you need to decide if you will wait him out and see what happens or if it’s too much for you and you want to move on. That’s the part that is in your hands and the only thing you can change. He has to decide what he’s going to want when he’s done with college. You need to try meditating on it and see what your inner self tells you about the situation as far as what you should do. I hope this helps you sweetheart. If you would like more Gemini help, check out my guides on Gemini Man Secrets. I wish you all the luck of the universe!

  1. So true about Gemini men – LOL. I was almost wishing I was wrong but everything said here is dead on … I know we are not a match since I’m a Capricorn … LOL! Thank goodness I never met him =) We’ve only been “texting” for a few days but everything said here is true. Once I bring up a topic he likes, I do get a response … not right away though. HAHA. He also does compliment me which is nice … Good Luck!

  2. I’m beginning to think my husband is not a normal Gemini. As far as commitment he talked to me every day almost all day when we dated, and still does. He also asked me to marry him after just 3months of dating. We have been married 5yrs now and he’s still very communicative, sweet, engaged with me. Aquarius who loves her Gemini

  3. Oh No I’m a Capricorn and in love with a Gemini Guy who does Not text back and yes..I already screwd up by texting him too much ??‍♀️??

    1. Hi Clarissa! Not necessarily. If you’ve noticed you’ve texted him a bunch, you can now start to ease up a bit. Let him reach out to you a bit more instead of you being the one who initiates. Let him start chasing you a bit sweetheart. Unless he’s totally pushed you away then you should try to back off a little and see what happens. There may still be hope here. You might want to also check out my book as it may help you learn who he is a bit better. You can check out “Gemini Man Secrets”.

  4. I’m in the same situation with a gemini man. I’m an aquarius and never dated a gemini before but we fell head over heels for each other even before actually meeting. We´re from different countries. We met when I visited his and been texting but he’s very scattered and I have to do the approach. Got mad at him during the first days of texting because he was keeping it short and very different from when we were in person. I’d love to go back to his country early next year, but his texting ways are making me mad tbh. And everything was pretty accurate. hahahahahaha.

    1. Hi Stella! Yes, I can see why someone would be frustrated with the lack of texting. It can cause a woman to lose her mind for sure. However, if she learns how he is, cares for him, and accepts him “as is” then she’ll start finding him less frustrating. Knowing he is this way early on can help problems from emerging. In fact, this is exactly one of the reasons I wrote my book “Gemini Man Secrets”.

  5. i’m a libra with a very attractive gemini man. i can understand him and i not worried about he’s doing. but I’m afraid my intimacy and comfort with him will keep him away from me. I am very comfortable and he comes back whenever he wants and then again and every time he comes back he is attractive to me and I treat him well. I’m afraid he thinks I’m always available. And that makes him leave me forever

    1. Hi Sahar!

      Then you should make time for yourself and not be so available to him at all times. Make plans with friends or family. Try to not answer him right away and don’t initiate conversation so much. Let him do so me of the work. Missing you will make him want you more instead of less. You can do this!

  6. Me and my Gemini have been friends for nearly three years but started flirting more and more after a year of being friends, going on dates etc but nothing ever happened, not even a kiss. Then a year and a half ago we spent a night together which wasn’t planned it just happened as if we were drawn to one another. I still didn’t have any that deep feelings even though I liked him, we didn’t speak much after but a month later he was coming back to where I was (we live in different cities) and we went on like a proper date, he told me he likes me I told him I do too, had so much fun together as every time we would meet. After this we spoke briefly but then after not speaking for way too long (nearly a year) I realised I loved him, although I just got on with my life, met friends, worked, traveled..
    Then suddenly he appeared in my messages, I was really confused at the time because I wanted him but I didn’t want to give him another chance without seeing him work for it. We started speaking, obviously in his slower way of communication which I didn’t mind, then a few months later he randomly rang me saying he’s in my town asking and begging to see me the next day, i told him I have an hour before work and that’s it, we met and he explained why he didn’t want talk etc, which made sense but I wanted to see more. We kissed that day, our connection felt even stronger than ever. He had been bad with replying as usual since then but every time we speak he would send big paragraphs asking about me and telling me about how he was and what’s happening with his life as well as planning future dates, which due to the pandemic have to be delayed, we even spoke on the phone for a bit, but he doesn’t bother contacting me that often. I also know he talks to other girls, who I am aware are friends but knowing how Geminis are I am afraid it might be more than that (because of previous experiences with Gemini.)

    What would you advise me to do, I’m very patient and I can feel connected to him even when we’re apart. I’m not rushing for anything, I just would like a peace of mind.

    1. Hi Olivia!

      All men have a chance at being a cheater. Gemini love variety which can get them in trouble sometimes for sure. Not all of them cheat though so it’s hard to determine for you if they cheat a lot. It will have to do with their upbringing, their beliefs, and what else is in their chart to know if they are more apt to cheat or if they are on the faithful side. Learn more about Gemini men by checking out Gemini Men Secrets.

  7. I’ve been dating Gemini guy for over 7 months. They are hard to read or know how they will react. We have great conversations at time then other times he’s dead silent which makes me worry like I’ve done something but I know I haven’t. I feel he really cares about me in his own special way. After 3 months he moved in items of his to my house. I don’t mean a few things like half my closet and lots in my garage. He has key to my house so comes and goes as he please. No, we don’t live together. We text back and forth. We both are busy but seems like I make sure I reach out more then he does. Oh btw I work 2 jobs and make sure he knows he’s on my mind and to have a good day or morning which he replies back but not as fast as I do. He definitely text hi a lot. I never text just hi until I met this guy. Now I try to stay busy and not lose focus of myself since I’m not too sure where were at in this relationship. He says we’re in this relationship with each other. Sometime I feel he’s with someone but he says nope only you and I. he express his self sometime and says he loves me and appreciate me for who I am. I read up on Gemini from day one and try my best to keep things interesting and I still feel I’m the one doing work and he sits back. IM libra so giving attention and caring with my whole is part of who I am.
    Do you have any advice?

    Do you have any advice?

    1. Hi christina!

      My suggestion to you sweetheart is to let him know how you feel about it. Tell him that you would like for him to put in more effort and at least meet you halfway with the relationship. I’m not surprised he would do this. Gemini men have their heads full of stuff. They’re busy people whether literally or mentally which causes them to sort of blow off other people sometimes. I don’t think he’s doing that intentionally nor is he being lazy with you. I think he’s just not really realizing it bothers you that much. Tell him! If you need any other help, you should check out my guides on “Gemini Man Secrets”. Blessings to you!

  8. I met with a Gemini man and we seemed to hit it off right away. He was very polite and well mannered. Our late lunch lasted for four hours just talking and getting to know one another better.
    I was new to messaging and he told me I talked too much, but in person he could and did keep up with me!
    We have talked about everything.
    He is divorced and has been for twenty years. Has two adult children. I was widowed three years ago.
    After six months of messaging daily and a few phone calls and meeting up a few times, I was falling in love with him!
    We have had a few disagreements along the way, but we both enjoyed the banter and on a few subjects decided to just agree to disagree and left it at that.
    Then suddenly he tells me that he is thinking about letting a woman into his heart. The woman is married, but her husband is dying of cancer and they have three teenage children. She said her husband cheated on her because she has put on weight, but they have stayed together for the sake of the children.
    I made a comment that if one spouse cheats and then the other spouse cheats, one is no better than the other. Then he lashed out at me. Told me she isn’t cheating and she is a wonderful person.
    The Gemini man was great at flirting and sharing hugs, but after I made the comments he got extremely angry and lashed out then blocked me.
    Some things that didn’t make sense to me before became very clear! Especially when I asked if she tells her husband when she goes off for days because they volunteer their time together. Because that is sneaking around!
    I was confused from the hot and cold treatment along with being hurt because he told her what I had said and then told me she was very hurt by what I had said! I thought our conversations were private! Not only that, but he had just got done telling me that he really didn’t want to be in any romantic relationships, because there was very little any woman could offer him! That she is a woman that doesn’t “bother him” and I do! He is also very protective of her because he cares for her!
    I have since found out she had quit her job and they are also losing their home! So I made a comment that I would have wanted to make as many good memories as a family for kids to have if that was the reason they were staying together in the first place!
    Gemini man has a great paying job, a very nice home and travels a lot! But he also told me he eliminates all stressors in his life and hates dealing with drama! He will walk away. But then wonders why his relationships never work out!

    1. Dear Charlene,

      A Gemini man is a curious individual with an active and versatile mind. He grounds himself with information and facts. He likes to communicate, but he also shifts with the current.
      Sometimes they are carefree and playful; other times they are a bit pragmatic and restrained. One day he could be infatuated by you, and the next day this feeling starts to fade away, so you’ll never know where you stand with him.
      The Gemini man is highly adaptable, and this can trick you into believing he is warm and engaging but soon becomes distant and not interested.
      This is because he enjoys the thrill of the chase and the excitement of new relationships. They are often not commitment-oriented in the first place, but if they decide on taking that plunge, they want to make sure it’s someone they can rely on. Let him be, he seems to be interested in someone else and you should not chase his affection in attention. It is not worth it if it isn’t given to you freely. Sending Love!

  9. Hi Anna,
    I met a Gemini online dating. Everything was going great we planned a intimate date at his home on a Saturday but on Friday he went to his doctor for a rash he thought was hives but wasn’t he called me to cancel our date but I told him I wanted to see him anyway before he went for treatments so he picked me up and we had drinks and smoked cigarettes and talked at the kitchen table he got up and kissed me a few times then he said he would drive me home so he brought me home and he helped me get to my door .we kissed good night and he said we would do it again . We are both 69 and I am handicapped ,partially paralyzed on my left side so I do need help to walk. On the Monday he went in the hospital. He has not text me or called since nov 10th I know now that I texted too much. I’ve bought your books and I’m trying to not text him. do you think he will come back? I really like him, should I just wait or am I waisting my time. I don’t have a lot of time in my life to play games.I’m also a widow since April 20,2020. What should I do?

    1. Dear Gloria,
      Gemini has a dark side, yes, but most of the time, he wants to laugh and have fun.
      Maybe the messaging between you has become long-winded, boring, heavy, or too serious. Switch it up and be playful and light when you text.
      You can always bring up the more serious things when you are face to face again. Do your best to hold back from bombarding him with texts.
      Being very patient is how to get a Gemini man attention back. You cannot rush the process or have expectation that he will come running to you quickly. Take your time and let him come back when he feels comfortable enough to.
      Gemini man is hard to understand sometimes with his dual nature but if you truly get to know everything about him then you’ll be able to break through his odd shell he’s built up. I hope all goes well for you both!

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