How To Make A Gemini Man Obsessed With You (10 Easy Ways)

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
Ever wondered how to make a Gemini man obsessed with you? It’s no secret that the Gemini man has a one-of-a-kind love. These 10 things will have him wrapped around your little finger in no time!

Ever wondered how to make a Gemini man obsessed with you? It’s no secret that the Gemini man has a one-of-a-kind love. If you ask yourself,  ‘Is my Gemini man obsessed with me?’, stop right there as these 10 things will have him wrapped around your little finger in no time!

To make the carefree Gemini man obsessed with you, it requires creativity, consistency, and a willingness to have fun.

His biggest goal in a relationship is to have an open-minded partner who shares his joy for experiencing all that life has to offer. He doesn’t want a woman who takes everything too seriously.

But when it comes to winning over the full potential of the Gemini man, it’s going to take more than an open mind and a good sense of humor. To help you win the heart of your Gemini man, I’m sharing ten things that make a Gemini man swoon!

Do Geminis Get Obsessed Easily?

Gemini men do not get obsessed easily because they shift with the current; they are everything but inconsistent. To them, obsession is boring. It is uneventful.

They can experience the need for freedom and independence and have a strong taste for whatever is original, even fringe. Passions can prompt them to rebel. There can be an overwhelming urge to be significant in their social circles.

Gemini men change their minds a lot, and I know that this could become really exhausting. Generally speaking, Gemini men are not prone to negative and potentially harmful emotions such as obsession. They simply don’t want to get tied down by obsession.

However, depending on their Rising sign and Moon placement, some Geminis can get deeply attached to someone they love and admire.

Bottom line is, if you are dating a Gemini man, there is a way to make him obsessed; you just have to apply my tips to your situation.

How To Make A Gemini Man Obsessed With You (10 Easy Ways)

1. Teach Him Something New

This Mercury-ruled man is inquisitive and fast-learning. He lives for books, webinars, conferences, and any other positive source of reliable information that can teach him something new. 

Being an intelligent air sign, most Gemini men are well-educated or knowledgeable in some way. And they are turned on by women who are well-informed too. He will spend hours drooling at the feet of a woman who can carry on an intellectual conversation even better than he can. 

So if you are wondering how to get a Gemini man obsessed with you, show him how smart you are. Be expressive and open about your interests and turn-ons. 

2. Listen To His Stories

If there’s one thing every Gemini man is good at, it’s talking. These chatty men can talk for hours and hours and hours when they feel amused or inspired. They love to talk about their unusual experiences and spontaneous travels. 

The good thing about this personality trait is it keeps you from having to do all the talking. Part of why Gemini loves to talk to you so much is because he likes to have someone around to listen to, so when you show him that you’re even the slightest bit interested in what’s going on in his excited mind, good luck getting him to shut up!

How to make a Gemini man crazy about you: make sure you’re actually listening. If the Gemini man thinks you’re just pretending to be engaged, he will be highly offended and will find this act of betrayal hard to forgive. 

But give him your attention and make him feel he’s got you drawn in, and he’s yours for as long as you want him. 

3. Keep An Open Mind

When it comes to dating Gemini men, the best thing you can bring is an open and nontraditional outlook on life. 

Being the sister sign of the liberated and rebellious Sagittarius, Gemini isn’t a man who lives by traditional societal values. This is a man who lives by the beat of his own drum. He believes firmly in having a conscious and independent mind. 

If you know how to appreciate and love life for all that it is, then get ready for the Gemini man to declare his unconditional love for you, because a loyal, free-spirited woman is his perfect match.

Explore this helpful, step-by-step guide, as it will show you the ‘buttons’ to press to cause a change in how your Gemini man feels, sees, and acts around you. Check out my 30-day Gemini Man Love Challenge. It will set you on the right path with that hot Gemini guy.

4. Always Keep It Real

What makes a Gemini man obsessed with you?  One of the simplest ways to turn a Gemini man on is to keep it real with him — tell him what’s on your mind. He loves an honest woman. 

Being as talkative as he is, he’ll probably ask you for your advice or opinion on something often, so be transparent and don’t just tell him what you think he wants to hear. He will appreciate your feedback. 

In relationships with Gemini men, honesty builds friendship, and friendship leads to love. So, keep the communication as fluid as possible between you. This is how you keep your connection alive. 

5. Make Him Laugh

When it comes to relationships, the Gemini man is most attracted to a woman who has a good sense of humor and fun-spirited nature. He likes to be the center of attention and the entertainer. 

If you do not have a sense of humor or know how to take a joke, then the Gemini man is not your guy. But if you are a woman who loves to laugh, go out, and spend time with others, then you and the Gemini man could be the perfect match!

Check here for some surefire signs a Gemini man likes you <<

6. Create With Him

Creativity is the Gemini man’s middle name; he is typically one of the handiest men of the Zodiac. 

Whether it’s building a dresser, painting a wall, sculpting a piece of art, or writing a motivational children’s book, the Gemini man loves to make, craft, and create, and he loves a woman who loves that too. 

Even if you are not into making things, there are other activities that the Gemini man enjoys.

For example, he loves being the center of attention. So suggest taking him on a spontaneous photoshoot or scavenger hunt around town. It might be one of the best dates of his life! 

7. Have A Unique Sense Of Style

If you’ve ever been around a Gemini man, you likely instantly noticed his wardrobe. When it comes to fashion, the Gemini man is very eclectic. He likes to mix and match different aesthetics together to create his unique sense of style. 

As a mutable sign, the Gemini man is very free-spirited. Instead of keeping up with the trends of everyone around him, he dresses based on what he likes. 

Similarly, he is turned on by the woman who carries herself as an individual, rather than another face in the fashion and style crowd. 

He wants someone magnetic, bold, and outgoing. He wants someone who carries herself like she was born to stand out.

Learn here about the most common reasons why relationships with Gemini men fail and how you can prevent it.

8. Get In Good With His Friends

You may already know that friendships are important to Gemini men. As a Zodiac sign of associations and communication, he lives his life around connecting with other people. 

He values a friendly woman who knows how to get along easily with others. 

So, if you want to keep the Gemini man caught like a fish on your line, get to know his friends. Host a game, movie, or trivia night and invite everyone over, or do it via Zoom. Show him that his friends are your friends too. 

Do this, and you’ll be a part of the “Gemini man crew” forever.  

9. Surprise Him

Not every man loves surprises, but you can bet that the spontaneous Gemini man does. 

In most relationships, he is usually the thoughtful and observant one. He’s used to going out of his way and planting little surprises, not the other way around. 

So, when he meets someone who is flipping the switch and frequently surprising him, no matter how big or small of a gesture it is, the Gemini man will never forget (and he will probably fall madly in love!). 

10. Be Vulnerable

Gemini men are known for their sharp mind and cunning personality. But what you may not know is that behind all that experience and wisdom is pure emotion, and the Gemini man is smitten by the woman who goes deep enough into his psyche to penetrate his layers. 

He’s turned on by perseverance and vulnerability. He wants you to know him from the inside out. 

It goes both ways. Be willing to open up to him and allow him to see your layers. It will only bring you closer.

Now you have my top 10 things that make a Gemini man obsess over you! So if you’re looking for ways to keep the relationship and chemistry flowing, you can always refer back to this list for helpful tips.

How Do You Know If A Gemini Man Is Obsessed With You?

Since the Gemini sign is all about talking, calling, and texting, most of the time he communicates by phone. He is a sweet talker; he knows what to say and when to say it. He is curious, likes long conversations and exchanges of information.

If he is flooding your inbox with text messages, that is one sure sign a Gemini man is obsessed with you. If he initiates phone calls, if he is constantly looking to be with you and includes you in his plans, that means you became the center of his world!

Naturally, with all this comes his need to please you. In the way that he changes his behavioral patterns because of you, this is always an indication of his affection for you.

Last but not least, he may feel threatened by other men and become overly possessive and jealous, and he may try to keep you away from them. Possessiveness may appear to an unhealthy degree, so be cautious not to challenge him to act this way.

Watch this video and learn how to make your Gemini man goes head over heels for you.

Are Gemini Men Jealous?

Geminis are typically not jealous, but jealousy is a natural emotion that may come up in any relationship, regardless of the zodiac sign.

They can get jealous, but will downplay it and not show it. Instead, Gemini man may distance himself and become moody. To him, jealousy equals vulnerability.

He may also try to make you jealous in return if he sees you are not giving him enough attention.

A Gemini man is free-spirited and independent, and as such, he may not get jealous easily. In case he becomes obsessed in an unhealthy way, it is important to deal with jealousy constructively.

Read next: How To Get A Gemini Man To Commit — Important Things About Gemini Man Commitment

Become His Dream Woman In 30 Days (or give up forever)

Looking to become the woman of your Gemini man’s dreams, but getting frustrated with how slowly things are progressing. Do you wish you had a magic ball to see into the future to KNOW for sure if he’s “The One” for you?

It’s time to stop trying to figure him out and start taking action!

Well, I have fantastic news for you!

There is a simple system that takes only 30 days and will draw him to you like a magnet, getting him to fall deeply in love with you.

But if he isn’t your soulmate, you will know for sure and can move on.

This powerful program will give you everything you need to know if your Gemini is your forever guy.

He WILL respond quickly to this approach if he IS the one for you, and if he doesn’t, you will know in 30 days so you don’t waste any more precious time.

We all know that Gemini men can be stubborn, and leave you waiting and wondering for a very long time.

But with this program, you’ll have the tools to get him to commit quickly.

And if he doesn’t, you’ll know he isn’t the right man for you and can set him loose to find your true soulmate.

So no more waiting around or playing it cool. It’s time to get your Gemini man to step up or move on.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to become his dream woman in just 30 days or give up forever.

Get your answer now and start your journey towards a fulfilling and lasting relationship with your Gemini man.

Sending you love,

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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