Can You Trust A Gemini Man? The Truth Revealed

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
Is the Gemini man someone you can trust and rely on? Are you dating one and sometimes you think he’s keeping things from you?

Is the Gemini man someone that you can trust, and rely on to be loyal and honest with you? Are you dating one and sometimes you think he’s keeping things from you? You’re not alone…

I am sure you have also noticed that these guys are social butterflies who seem to attract attention wherever they go. This might not be the best trust builder, is it?

When a Gemini man decides you are the one, there should be no doubt in your mind, he should fill you with confidence and trust, so why is it you are doubting what is happening between the two of you?

If you are worried about not trusting your Gemini man then you have definitely come to the right place. In this article, I am going to give you all the signs you need to know if you can trust a Gemini man or not.

Keep reading and I’ll tell you all about what you can expect with the Gemini man when it comes to trust. 

Can Gemini Men Be Trusted?

Gemini men can indeed come off as unreliable, or even liars. The thing is, they all have different personalities. While some people damn Gemini men for their traits, many Gemini men are quite trustworthy. 

The lowdown is that the Gemini man has two different sides to him, and he changes his mind often and can become confused. He changes plans, and this can be super-frustrating for the waiting woman.

A Gemini man might sometimes struggle with inconsistency and being able to change his mind; this can cause a certain amount of unease within you. However, this does not necessarily mean that a Gemini man cannot be trusted.

A Gemini man can usually be trusted, but don’t be surprised if you are met with indecision; he is just making up his mind, and you need to be patient with him.

You may also want to readHow To Get A Gemini Man To Open Up Emotionally (7 Ways)

4 Telltale Signs To Know If You Can Trust A Gemini Man

When determining if you can trust a Gemini man, there are several telltale signs to consider. They can be a little fickle at times so it is important to pay attention to the details. Here are 4 telltale signs to know if you can trust a Gemini man:

A Gemini Man Seems Less Flaky at Times

A Gemini man can get distracted quite easily as well. He can be planning and even getting ready, but then something changes suddenly. He cancels, and the woman he had plans with is now very upset.

It’s not a pleasant thing to experience, but if you know your Gemini guy, you know he’ll make it up to you.

Just remember that all Gemini men have different influential aspects in their chart that will make them vary. They’re already a mixture of personalities combined into one body.

So now when you take into account that he may have a Rising sign or Moon sign that is a bit different from typical Gemini traits, he may not really be as unreliable as he seems. He may actually be more attentive and less social with others. 

Transparency In Actions

There are things that may not mean anything to you but do to him. He doesn’t feel the need to tell you about them. If you can accept that he’s someone who you’ll never 100% know, you’ll be alright.

It’s ok not to know every single detail about someone. Trust has to be learned for things to work out with a Gemini man.

Realize that most of what he keeps from you is typically nothing major. Leave it alone and pick your battles. If you badger him every time he is keeping his mouth shut, you will lose him.

Not A Big Fan Of Flirting

No matter his age, a Gemini man will always be a flirt. Nearly all of them are this way. That’s just part of their DNA. If you love him, you have to accept this even if you don’t like it.

Know that he is with you and has no intention of cheating. He just wants to make eyes at that sexy barmaid when he’s out for drinks—not sleep with her.

It’s an ego thing. If a woman flirts back, he feels alive and that he still “has it.” Once you get past the fear of him being unfaithful, you’ll realize that he’s just a guy.

Chalk it up to a quirk of his, and you won’t feel your relationship is being threatened. He won’t likely change in this respect, so if you’re looking to change him, you’ll have a hard time doing it and probably won’t be successful.

Emotional Intelligence

A trustworthy Gemini man will possess a high level of emotional intelligence, being able to understand and empathize with your emotions. This sign can sometimes be over-intellectual and not pay enough attention to emotions.

However, when a Gemini man is trying to be a good man he will actively listen to your concerns, validate your feelings, and provide support when needed. He won’t be evasive and elusive, he will give you the love and care that you need.

You may also want to read11 Questions To Ask A Gemini Man To Spark His Interest

Dating A Gemini Man With Trust Issues — What To Keep In Mind

It is crucial to provide reassurance and support, consistently demonstrating your trustworthiness through your actions and words. Trustworthiness is a highly desirable trait in any potential mate, as it creates a sense of security and emotional stability in a relationship.

When it comes to a Gemini man, you have to take his quirks with a grain of salt. You will have to get to know him as best you can in order to know whether or not he’s someone you can handle or trust.

When you learn who he is, how he is, and how he operates, you should be able to tell whether or not he’s going to be honest enough for you to trust. He’s a warm guy with lots to offer, and maybe his personality is something you can accept.

He’s not for everyone, but when he does find the person he feels is “the one,” he will modify his behavior to an extent. He won’t stop flirting, though. If you’re a strong woman, this isn’t a concern for you.

How To Rebuild Trust After Catching Your Gemini Man Lying

Gemini men tend to lie, but the thing is, it’s normally white lies. What I mean by this is that they give you a half-truth or keep unimportant things from you. They can lie about something as simple as why they didn’t answer their phone.

They also tend to omit the truth, meaning if they think it’s something that may cause problems with you, then they just won’t mention it. Perhaps he went out with a friend you don’t like. He’ll talk about the rest of his day and omit that part so that you don’t give him hell for it. 

If you happen to find out, you probably feel he lied to you. But they don’t feel like when they omit the truth, it’s lying. They think differently than most people. 

One factor to consider is the consistency of his behavior and actions over time. If he has proven that he is willing to work on the relationship and that he is remorseful of his actions, then it may be possible to rebuild trust. You also need to be patient and give him an opportunity to show that he can be trusted. Don’t expect everything to be fixed in a rush, you will need to give it time.

Normal Dating Advice Can Backfire With A Gemini Man…

Over the years, I’ve had a lot of my clients send me advice they got from dating coaches. They wanted to know if it would work with their Gemini man.

And I literally wanted to scream with frustration.


Because most dating advice definitely will NOT work if you use it with a Gemini.

You see, Gemini men are VERY different from men of other signs. And if you use standard dating advice with a Gemini, it can backfire. He might disappear forever and you’ll never hear from him again.

I don’t want that to happen to you. Especially when it is SO easy to draw him to you and get him to connect deeply with your heart.

You just need to know the specific phrases to tell him…

So he’ll NEVER want to lose you. He’ll be wrapped around your finger… And it won’t take him long to put a ring on that finger either.

These phrases are the EXACT thing you need to turn everything around with him.

So… for heaven’s sake… DON’T listen to normal dating coaches! They give out the same advice for ALL men… which is absolutely insane.

Because your wonderful Gemini is NOT like other men… at ALL.

Click here to find out the specific things your Gemini man needs to hear to melt his heart <<

Wishing you all the luck in the universe,

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

2 thoughts on “Can You Trust A Gemini Man? The Truth Revealed

  1. I noticed there can be nothing said about Gemini women which means that you are very sexist and most likely a man hater who yourself cannot be trusted with facts because you speak from a biased opinion… you must be a Gemini.

    1. Hi Shaggy,

      The articles you are reading are for women to read about their men. The majority of my audience and clients are women. I also answer men that love Gemini men. I’ve also had men write in about their Gemini girlfriends. So no, I am in no way biased. Sorry you’ve taken it the wrong way.

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