Gemini Man Horoscope for September 2024

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
Are you wondering how September is going to treat your Gemini man? Check out the September horoscope predictions for a Gemini man...

Hello my dear, and welcome to the horoscope reading for your Gemini man for September. Schools are basically back in session right now, and the mentality is somewhat more focused, a little bit more organized, and perhaps the memories of summer are beginning to fade.

However, it’s a brand new season and a chance to do a little bit of a relationship reboot. In terms of those in the Southern Hemisphere, you’ve finished a long winter, you’re aching for spring to begin, and so you guys are also feeling in the mood for some inspiration.

So I want to inspire you this month about your relationship with a Gemini man because there’s so much to be gained. There’s a lot of exciting activity which leads to some romance, a more productive frame of mind, with an important acknowledgement of a need for flexibility and compassion.

We have lots of planetary changes this month, and in general, I’m feeling a very different energy. We’ve got Mercury now direct, we’ve got Mars changing signs early in the month, so there certainly is a different flavor to September.

There’s something subtle, sweet, and delicate about it, and we need to get going and analyze the potentials.

Here’s what the stars have in store for a Gemini Man this September

New Moon in Virgo – 2nd of September 

This New Moon can represent a great chance for an emotional reboot and to achieve closure. Your goal, in terms of the Gemini man, is understanding the impact events have had on you both and any emotional upheaval that, perhaps, has not been fully understood or resolved.

If there’s anything that you guys have swept under the carpet, now is the kind of time where you need to review it. Take a cold light of day, a rational appraisal of things that are possibly upsetting you or him, and try to be compassionate.

Even if these things cannot be resolved, there should be some communication to understand where you’re both at in terms of those matters. Family matters come to a head, things with his parents or your home, in general, may require consideration.

Don’t underestimate anything that happens right now because this can point to the past, or emotions can be unearthed, particularly in relation to events around the family circle or his parents. Try to be patient with anything he’s grappling with in that vein. This may be a good time for a total reset in terms of your home life, to get ready for the new season.

Mars enters Cancer – 5th of September

Now, this is a great placement for Gemini Man. He is usually quite business-oriented, wise with money, and eager to reach targets. This is a fantastic time if he works on commission or if he needs to nail deadlines. He tends to be more motivated with work, and it’s a really good time for hustling and improving your finances.

As a couple, it’s a good time to set some priorities in terms of spending, saving, and investing. If you work on those goals together, it reinforces trust. Even if you’re in a new relationship with a Gemini man, working hard to understand his priorities, encouraging him about using his talents, and appreciating who he is at heart does wonders.

The key to love is showing appreciation and giving him a little bit of encouragement. If there’s anything he’s looking to achieve, show him that you’re in his corner because that’s gold in relationships right now.

Mercury enters Virgo – 10th of September

Sometimes this creates a little bit of tension and self-doubt for Gemini Man. During this phase, it’s good to keep communication open and have an ongoing dialogue. It’s not the best time to come to a conclusion; sometimes it’s better to gather facts.

This can be a time when he may need some space to do a bit of reading. Maybe if he likes writing a journal, or if he’s the sort of person who enjoys video games or something like that as a release, he may get more into these activities, so try not to be anxious if he’s a little bit quieter.

If you’re dating, and he goes off the radar, it’s because he’s just a little bit more thoughtful, and he needs to process things in his head. What you don’t want to do is nag and put pressure on, so no speed dialing. Try, right now, to be more emotionally self-sufficient because he’s not always that emotionally available to you.

Sun enters Libra – 23rd of September

Now, this represents a positive time of renewal for a Gemini man. It’s also a time when he is eager to be creative and to live life. There are some issues with his fear of missing out; he tends to want to socialize and experience a little bit of romance and so if you feel your life is in the doldrums, don’t let it slide.

This is a time when you have to address any unmet needs, any spark that has been lost, and just make sure that you are living your life and not letting things pass you by. Grab opportunities to meet up with friends, go out, and if you’re in a brand new relationship, work hard at it.

This is a time to really cement that relationship. Even if it’s friends with benefits, it can become romantic right now. So, work hard at communicating in a vibrant, fun way, and make sure that enjoyment is a top priority in your relationship.

Venus enters Scorpio – 24th of September

This is a time where actions speak louder than words with the Gemini man. It’s all about show, don’t tell. This is definitely not a time for empty words or rhetoric, and anything that’s romantic but unsubstantial just doesn’t cut it.

So, show him you love him; do things for him, ie. you should both engage in things like massage as this is an excellent time to get more physically acquainted. Maybe you haven’t been affectionate for a while, or maybe you’re just getting into a relationship, but it’s time to find his erotic zones—what turns him on and what really makes him feel good.

Whether it’s helping him with his eating, getting him out for fresh air, or whatever it is that makes him feel good about his body, this feeds into your sex life, so now is the time to find out what makes him randy.

Mercury enters Libra – 27th of September 

This should be an ideas-rich, creative time. It’s an awesome time for a brand new approach to how you communicate and the way you introduce affection. It’s about foreplay and it’s about doing activities that help you both to feel youthful.

Remember, a Gemini man is ever young; he’s a playful character, he doesn’t like to feel trapped or stale; he’s always looking for new things. So, try to appeal to his curiosity, stimulate his mind, and romance has an awesome potential to grow.

Themes for a Gemini Man this September 2024…

A time for understanding and closure on any recent emotional issues, it’s also a good time to understand where you’re both at and the effect the year has had on you so far.

However, it’s also an awesome time for fun, seeking some light-hearted entertainment, and rebooting romance through friendship and then through sensual experiences together.

Magic Motto – “Love is about the moment and living our best lives but we always care about each others hidden emotions and fears as well.”

Magic Text – “Let me into your sexual secrets and we’ll create even more secrets together.”


The moon waxes from the 2nd to the 17th of the month and this fortnight is ideal for initiating projects, beginning brand new activities, being proactive and more risqué or audacious. After the 17th is the time for more caution, reflection and to take a slightly more measured approach.

It’s a great time for him to work independently and do research into something new, especially technical or scientific.

This is excellent for money, he is very motivated when he has a target. He’s working very hard right now and the dividends should come in at the end of the month.

His home really should be his castle and a place where he can just chill and feel like he doesn’t have to keep up any pretences, and where it’s okay for him to show his vulnerabilities.


This month isn’t great for him making career changes or taking on more responsibility. Major management initiatives aren’t successful. Not a good time for job interviews, major changes to career or challenging authority.

This month is quite disjointed and there are many surprises that can lead to sudden changes in direction. It’s important for him to be flexible and ready to change tack at a moment’s notice. This isn’t the best time to commit to hosting a family event or having extended work in your home as sudden events or changes to family priorities can render these redundant or inconvenient.

September 2024 Horoscope for a Gemini Man (week by week)

Week 1: Slippery when wet

Now, this is a tricky week. It’s definitely not one where you should expect a lot of commitment in terms of your relationship. It isn’t a great time for relationship discussions about the future.

In fact, it’s best just to go with the flow and take one day at a time because Gemini Man is extremely unpredictable. Mercury in Leo square Uranus means he’s at his most indecisive, and with Mars in Gemini square Neptune, he can almost feel sneaky and evasive.

So, he cannot be put on the spot. He’s really a slippery eel, and you should take anything he says with a pinch of salt—take a wait-and-see attitude.

Week 2: Dial M for Motivation 

This is a really ambitious week for Gemini Man, and it’s important for you to encourage him in his job. Sometimes, while he’s ambitious, he also has a lot of self-doubt. So, it’s time to help him push through some of his boundaries.

If you are a positive support or even a role model who gives him a lot of motivational advice, that is fantastic. He really enjoys a partner right now who stays upbeat, who shows leadership, and who is very proactive.

So, be someone who is ready to take the next step with him. Be someone who’s encouraging him, and try not to detract, even if you feel some of his ambitions are not something that you want to get on board with.

Week 3: Ready to pounce 

This is a really busy week in terms of Gemini Man, and he’s great at multitasking. However, this is a time when he sometimes sets his sights a little bit too high, so, in relationships, he can’t always be relied upon. He simply has a great deal on his plate, and he’s not always managing it as well as he makes out.

Therefore, he is either there or nowhere to be seen. So, it’s kind of an unpredictable week with him. It’s important for you to maintain a strong friendship and be ready to pounce on opportunities for romance because they will arise, but they’re not necessarily planned.

This is a time when there’s so much going on that it’s hard really to get him into a relaxed state, but there’s definitely an opportunity for some excitement and for romance to come out of that unpredictable kaleidoscope of activity.

Week 4: You sexy thing 

Now, this is a great week, particularly for newer relationships with a Gemini man. It can almost be a “fall in love at first sight” time. If he is really in love, feelings can overwhelm him right now, and he can be unusually sexual and also affectionate.

So, what’s so important right now is the sexual, emotional, and physical side of your relationship. He needs positive reinforcement about the fact that he looks good, that he turns you on, that you love the way he dresses, that you like his style.

He also needs to know that you find him the sexiest thing ever. So, really work on letting him know that you only have eyes for him, and he is the one that absolutely wows you and gets you excited.


This really is a busy month with a Gemini man. There’s a lot going on and a high rate of unpredictability and indecisiveness on his part. He’s not necessarily a reliable partner that’s a rock you can cling to, but he is an exciting partner.

There’s always an opportunity to deepen the relationship if you are flexible and if you work on the sexual elements. Remember, don’t forget to resolve any emotional issues that could be causing a bad taste in either of your mouths or issues with family that are potentially lingering.

Make your Gemini man OBSESSED…

Have you ever fantasized about being that irresistible woman in Netflix shows…

The one the leading man just CAN’T stop thinking about?

The sexy, affectionate protagonist would do anything for this woman…

He will go to extremes to get her attention and make her happy.

Now, let’s say the star of this show is your Gemini man…

And you are the filler character who is secretly in love with this gorgeous man…

But is unable to get his attention.

Why is that?

Because you don’t have that “wow factor” that the irresistible girl he’s in love with has.

Well, it’s time to change the narrative.

Imagine holding the secret to making your Gemini man utterly OBSESSED with you.

I’m talking head over heels, here.

The best part?

You don’t have to change who you are.

You just need to uncover the deeply guarded desiresneeds and fantasies

That simmer within your Gemini man.

I’ve created a list of actions, or as I prefer to call them…


This will instantly make him chase youlove you, and OBSESS over you.

He will experience intense feelings he has never felt for anyone else.

Feelings he can’t ignore or suppress because you will connect to his heart in ways he instinctively responds to…

Precisely how you’ve always hoped he would.

And no, you won’t need a wand for this magic.

The Challenge will become your guide to getting to the heart and soul of your Gemini man…

And will take you to the heart of what makes him tick.

You’ll reignite his passion and capture his heart in ways he never imagined possible.

So much so that within just 30 days, you may completely transform your relationship…

Emotionallyphysically, and spiritually!

Click here to learn more about The 30-Day Love Challenge with your Gemini man.

I promise you’ll love it.

Sending you much love,

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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