Gemini Man Horoscope for November 2024

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
Are you wondering how November is going to treat your Gemini man? Check out the November horoscope predictions for a Gemini man...

Hello, sweethearts, it’s time to delve into the horoscope reading for your Gemini man for November, which gets off to a cracking good start with the New Moon…

As you know, the New Moon is the green light for decisions, brand-new activity, taking initiative, and being pioneering, so there’s no excuse to delay. As soon as the month begins, you can get the starter motor of passion and energy going and there’s impetus for your sex life, particularly as the New Moon is in Scorpio

Now, the New Moon happens around a similar time that Mercury heads into Sagittarius, indicating a great time for humor to be used in relationships, particularly to diffuse tension and as a persuasive tool.

It’s also a time to be forgiving and to think big. Mars is also heading into Leo on the fifth, which adds to the fiery nature of all the planets, particularly as the Sun also heads into Sagittarius, as we know, at month-end.

Therefore, there is an inspiring collection of energies that will add enthusiasm and a little bit of fun into your life, but remember to be experimental and to use the energy of Mars in Leo to drive through with determination.

Read also2024 New Moon in Scorpio Horoscope

Here’s what the stars have in store for a Gemini Man this November

New Moon Scorpio – 1st November 

This is a wonderful New Moon for health kicks and brand new habits aimed at improving his health. So, if you can encourage him to do anything that’s likely to help him feel fitter and thus less anxious, do it.

It’s not just about diet and exercising; it’s also about helping him have positive mindsets and being organized in his thinking. If you can help him get into better routines—routines that help him stay positive, focused, and healthy—he will really appreciate that.

Love with a Gemini man right now is all about doing things that are pragmatic and have real-life results. It’s important to say what you mean and mean what you say.

Right now, he’s quite critical, and he’ll be noticing anywhere you’ve failed to live up to his expectations or have let him down in some way. So you want to maintain quite high standards of integrity in love

Mercury enters Sagittarius – 3rd November 

Sagittarius represents the seventh house of a Gemini man and is therefore synonymous with committed relationships, marriages, and even marriage contracts. The entry of Mercury into Sagittarius is a good omen for progress, better communication, and understanding in relationships, and even tying the knot.

However, it also represents a time when, if the relationship is on shaky ground, you can drift apart. Attention is needed and focus is required to keep the relationship strong. This is not a time when you can take the relationship for granted or be too pedestrian.

It’s time to make sure the relationship has the required amount of novelty, variety, and decent exchanges of banter, humor, and positive communication. This is a time to refresh the relationship.

Mercury is all about surprises, variety, and also being thoughtful. So, pay attention and make sure the relationship is on the right track with a Gemini man.

Mars enters Leo – 5th November 

This is a highly energizing time for Gemini Man. It again emphasizes a restless feeling, so what is important, is doing new things, taking spontaneous trips, and having discussions.

There’s a certain urgency to him; when he wants to do something, he wants to do it now. He’s very impatient, so it’s a good time to be proactive and jump on any important tasks.

It’s also a time when he can be a little bit less inclined to engage with you on a continual basis. He’s got itchy feet, so sometimes his concentration is elsewhere, and although he’s good at multitasking, he can also be slightly fickle. His activities don’t always represent a lot of follow-through, so be careful with him in dating because he tends to make promises and forget about them, or sometimes he makes arrangements and then cancels last minute. So he’s not that reliable right now.

This is a lot better for those long-distance relationships that are communication-heavy and where you guys can pick up a thread and keep going. In ongoing relationships, it’s important to be really frank and honest with each other. Go for it; be direct; don’t hold back.

Venus enters Capricorn – 12th November 

This is a rather exotic and intoxicating placement for a Gemini man. It represents the enhancement of levels of intimacy. Sometimes a Gemini man are a little bit slapdash in the bedroom. They can be impatient sexually and maybe don’t always work hard at creating a tender, loving atmosphere, but this is your chance to change that.

Use your imagination and work hard at your sex life because he’s likely to be a more patient, which means you might get a lot more satisfaction.

It’s also a good time to talk about your sex life, he can’t really know what you want if you don’t spell it out, and sometimes he enjoys someone who opens his eyes to new things sexually as that can actually help engage him in the relationship, so it’s a good way to reboot.

Sun enters Sagittarius – 23 November 

He’s generally more likely to set himself targets and work strongly towards them, meaning he can be a little bit preoccupied or even obsessive-compulsive when it comes to work projects. This placement and the Mars placement can make him a little less engaged in the relationship because his focus is elsewhere.

Sometimes he can get fixated on either a health and fitness project or a work project, but this is an awesome time for him to quit bad habits. It can actually be a good time for him to turn a page, achieve some closure, and make strides in terms of dealing with any issues holding him back, particularly sexually.

This is also a really good time for you guys to talk about money and get cracking on improving your finances or reducing debt.

Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius – 26th November 

For a Gemini man in particular, this arouses the non-committal side of him. So, the Mercury retrograde is definitely not a good time for trying to get engaged, for ultimatums, or for restoring a relationship after a space or pressure break.

If anything, this might be a good time to have a little bit of distance, even if it’s only emotional distance. This is a time when a Gemini man doesn’t like pressure, and he tends to be in two minds about what he wants from the relationship.

Even if he definitely wants the relationship to continue, he may not understand exactly how, and he’s also not in the mood for discussions or resolving issues. So, don’t try to get him to the debating table or come to any major decisions during the retrograde period; it just isn’t a great time for it.

Themes for a Gemini Man this November 2024…

While he can be focused on being organized and working hard, he also wants to play hard, so there’s plenty of opportunity for some fun and romance. You definitely want to be helping and encouraging him to burn off the nervous energy because otherwise he can become a little bit tense.

Definitely encourage holistic thinking because work-life balance is absolutely important. It’s all about encouraging him in his work; he’s working hard but also needs to play hard, particularly in the family arena.

Magic Motto – “Respect and kindness make our relationship stand out above others and I always appreciate what you do for me.”

Magic Text – “You and I have a lot of steam to burn off babe and I have plenty of ideas to get us started.”


The moon waxes from the 1st to the 15th making the first two weeks of the month the most favorable for all your new goals, romantic initiatives and any discussions you want to have about undertaking something different or novel. After the 15th you have to nail things down, do a bit of extra research and make sure that you are on the right track.

The waxing phase is awesome for spiritual development and holistic healing. It’s a very good time to encourage him to work on his subconscious motivations and to reset his mind in a positive direction. It’s also a good time for retreats. Romantic getaways, experiencing music and culture and escapism are all successful in stimulating romance.

A marvelous time to enhance your romantic life. This is an excellent waxing period for dating, socializing and having fun. Parties, theater trips and spending time with friends is favored. An excellent time to start a family or extend your family.

This period is great for his creative and artistic goals and it’s an excellent time for him receiving great feedback for his projects. This is an excellent time for his management success in a large corporation or government department.

A good waxing period to get married or make a major relationship decision. Marriage counseling is successful. Legal matters and negotiations are successful, as are new business partnerships.


This is not a good month for him to recruit staff or for you as a couple to hire a new nanny for example. It’s not suitable for getting a new pet. Changing job or taking on a training or apprenticeship contract are not favored for him. This isn’t a great time for him starting a new diet as he won’t keep to it.

November 2024 Horoscope for a Gemini Man (week by week)

Week 1: Doing so much more than falling in love

Week one is absolutely amazing for dating, affection, harmony, and discussions as Venus in Sagittarius is opposite Jupiter in Gemini. It’s certainly a time when any recent issues can be smoothed over.

There’s a more loving atmosphere and because he’s up for some fun, it’s possible for you guys to do activities that are really enjoyable and meaningful. With Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius, it’s a marvelous time for relationships that are long-distance or begin online.

In fact, the more different you are from your Gemini man, the better. He loves relationships that are complicated and won’t be put off if you’ve got some baggage or need rescuing. He actually enjoys a relationship where he can really get his teeth into it and where it feels like it’s more than just falling in love; it’s a great adventure of discovery.

Week 2: Drama and passion 

Now, this is definitely a week where he can be incredibly passionate as Mars in Leo is opposite Pluto and that can lead to flare-ups of anger and jealousy, but it could also lead to an incredible amount of charisma and passion which can enhance your sex life.

The key is that you guys have to be active. Make sure that you have projects that are thoroughly engaging or you create exciting date nights where there’s a lot of adrenaline flowing. If anything is too boring and pedestrian, he could subconsciously try to stir things up by being a little bit controversial.

Sun opposite Uranus means this is definitely a time when his slightly more adventurous, risk-taking side comes out, so it’s absolutely ideal if you’re doing adventure sports on holiday or have a particularly challenging creative project planned. It’s certainly a time to bring out the creative in him, to encourage him to really express himself. 

Week 3: Don’t jump to conclusions 

Now, here’s the key again in relationships: you shouldn’t jump to conclusions. Everything should be mulled over and analyzed in a rather cool, calm, collected fashion. Sometimes what works best in relationships now is being a bit stoic.

There are times when it’s good to express emotion, and maybe a little bit of drama helps the relationship, but there are other times when we have to grin and bear it—not in a bad way, because often having self-control projects strength into the relationship and helps you both to feel more confident and settled then solutions kind of fall into place.

So, what you don’t want to do now is get ahead of yourselves and allow any frustrated emotions to come riding in because then it makes it very hard to see clearly what you should really be doing for the future of your relationship.

Week 4: Private Dancer

This is the best week for intimacy, but what you need is privacy and exclusivity as a couple. This is a time when it’s important to keep secrets, meaning you keep each other’s secrets and keep your life fairly insulated from the prying eyes of others.

During this phase, it’s important for you guys to have time alone as a couple, so you need to say no to friends and family members who are attempting to dominate your time.

This is excellent for those discussions about sex and how to improve your sex life. It’s also very important to understand what’s most vital to the relationship at this moment in time so that you are both understanding each other’s most pressing needs. It’s good to be honest, and it’s also a great time for problem-solving when it comes to money.


Relationships need better communication and understanding. This is not a time when you should take each other for granted. It’s definitely a time when relationships can be rebooted and improved, and a brand new slate can be drawn. This is also a time, however, when there’s a powerful focus outside of the relationship—for example, work and health-related ambitions. 

He’s actually quite sensitive right now, so there are some things over which you need to be very diplomatic and skirt around. Some issues he wants to confront and some things he wants to take a very measured approach to. He can be very vulnerable to criticism right now, so don’t kick him where it hurts. Try to be supportive and also a little bit delicate.

Make your Gemini man OBSESSED…

Have you ever fantasized about being that irresistible woman in Netflix shows…

The one the leading man just CAN’T stop thinking about?

The sexy, affectionate protagonist would do anything for this woman…

He will go to extremes to get her attention and make her happy.

Now, let’s say the star of this show is your Gemini man…

And you are the filler character who is secretly in love with this gorgeous man…

But is unable to get his attention.

Why is that?

Because you don’t have that “wow factor” that the irresistible girl he’s in love with has.

Well, it’s time to change the narrative.

Imagine holding the secret to making your Gemini man utterly OBSESSED with you.

I’m talking head over heels, here.

The best part?

You don’t have to change who you are.

You just need to uncover the deeply guarded desiresneeds and fantasies

That simmer within your Gemini man.

I’ve created a list of actions, or as I prefer to call them…


This will instantly make him chase youlove you, and OBSESS over you.

He will experience intense feelings he has never felt for anyone else.

Feelings he can’t ignore or suppress because you will connect to his heart in ways he instinctively responds to…

Precisely how you’ve always hoped he would.

You’ll reignite his passion and capture his heart in ways he never imagined possible.

So much so that within just 30 days, you may completely transform your relationship…

Emotionallyphysically, and spiritually!

Click here to learn more about the love challenge with your Gemini man.

I promise you’ll love it.

Sending you much love,

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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