How to Attract a Gemini Man in August 2020

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
How to attract a Gemini man in August 2020? The planets change every month, and events in August might be significantly different then what you're expecting.

Every month, the planets change signs and affect our relationships. Depending on the planetary movements, it may be tough to understand the needs and desires of the Gemini man. But with my tips based on the monthly energy, you can draw the attention of a Gemini man or improve your relationship with one in August 2020.

Attracting A Gemini Man In August 2020

1. Find a Shared Hobby

When it comes to finding love with the Gemini man in August 2020, you should think about finding a shared hobby. 

With the Sun in Leo highlighting his third house of mental exploration until August 22, during this period the Gemini man is most attracted to the woman who is well-educated and knowledgeable. 

Because Leo inspires the Gemini man to be more extroverted and social, he wants to have a good time and experience new things. 

Unlike Cancer season, where his focus was on building a secure egg nest for the home, Leo season encourages the Gemini man to be with someone who he can be friends with. He’s more playful and free-spirited than usual. 

Until August 22, you should focus on fun activities that keep your mind and hands busy. Instead of talking about your shared interests, do them. 

For example, you may enjoy getting involved in a DIY project together. You could also get involved in a friendly competition or challenge—anything that brings you both more joy. 

By being more playful and involved in each other’s interests, you create a level of friendship and ease that the Gemini man admires. 

When the Sun in Virgo enters his fourth house of home on August 22, prepare to see a shift in the Gemini man. Instead of being more playful and spontaneous, he will have a stronger sense of organization and purpose for his life. 

During this period, give him space to get his house and personal affairs in order. You’ll see the more playful and flirtatious side of him again in September and October (Libra Season). 

2. Set a Standard

The Gemini man is more flirtatious and direct in August 2020, and Venus in Cancer highlighting his second house of values until September 6 brings a level of intimacy and pleasure that you may find hard to resist. 

Because Venus’s energy combined with the fire of Leo season increases the Gemini man’s needs for curiosity and adventure, state your expectations clearly. Just because you think he knows what you want doesn’t mean he does. 

Instead of playing childish mind games, be up-front. I’ve found that this is the only way to get a Gemini man to make an honest decision about where you stand as a couple in August 2020. 

If you are just getting to know the Gemini man, the first impression is everything. 

Make sure that you are feeling confident about who you are and what you bring to the table. Don’t be afraid to show your vulnerable side. 

For those looking to deepen their bond with the Gemini man in August 2020, be transparent about what you do and don’t like so far. 

If you love how thoughtful and considerate he is about fulfilling your basic needs, tell him. If you don’t like how he ignores your phone calls at night or when he’s out with friends, tell him that too. 

The most important thing you can do during Venus’s transit in August is to set a standard for your relationship. 

With the Gemini man being a mutable air sign, he can sometimes forget things or take things more playfully than you. But by having a mutual agreement about what you expect from the other, you’ll avoid any drama or confusion that may arise. 

3. Keep an Open Mind

After months of Mercury in Cancer transiting the Gemini man’s second house of values, Mercury in Leo will move into his third house of communication on August 4.  

Because Mercury is an upbeat fire sign like Leo, the Gemini man is less emotional and more open-minded. He is more willing to keep things light and playful, rather than being so focused on how and what he feels. 

As a relationship astrologer, I believe that the best way to attract a Gemini man during this transit is to be as flexible and spontaneous as possible. 

With Leo season representing fun and authenticity, this is an opportunity to learn new things about each other and develop a sincere level of interest and appreciation for each other. 

To help you win him over, try taking him to a comedy club or watching a comedy special online. Even if he’s not into live entertainment, he will enjoy your effort in showing him a good time. 

Read next: The 7 Best Places to Meet a Gemini Man If He’s Your Perfect Zodiac Match

4. Take It Easy

In Astrology, Uranus represents the planet of innovation and change. It represents the unexpected events that happen in life to help the Gemini man evolve and grow. 

With Uranus in Taurus stationing retrograde in his twelfth house of ending on August 15, you may notice a subtle change in the Gemini man’s behavior mid-month.

During this period, the Gemini man may become more skeptical about the stability of his relationships and how they affect him long-term. 

If you’re newly dating your Gemini man, this is an opportunity to see how your relationship fits into his dreams. To help him feel the attraction and choose to move forward, take it easy, and don’t push things. 

By learning to respect his boundaries, you are showing him that you support and stand with him no matter what. 

For those who are already committed to a Gemini man, use Uranus’s retrograde as an opportunity to clear the past. Instead of holding on to old fears or traumas, start over. Don’t be so quick to anger or verbally lash out. 

Practice patience, and he will be very attracted to you. 

Overall, August 2020 is an opportunity to find and build love with a Gemini man. 

To attract a Gemini man in August 2020, I would suggest you find a shared hobby that both can enjoy, set a clear standard for your relationship that both can respect, keep an open mind, and learn to take things easy. 

For those who are ready to dive deeper and start your journey to unconditional love with a Gemini man, my guide Gemini Man Secrets is better than any daily, weekly, or monthly horoscope app you’ll ever read. 

Instead of just giving you the basic knowledge of the Gemini man, I share real-life stories and examples of women who have been where you are and now have the relationships of their dreams.

In this intuitive guide, I’ll share with you my top secrets for winning the heart of the Gemini man. If you’re ready, purchase Gemini Man Secrets here.

And why not take my free love and compatibility quiz to find out if you and your Gemini man are a match?

I’d love to hear your results in the comment section below!

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach 

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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