Gemini Man Predictions For September 2022

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
Hello, darling readers, how are you? I hope all is well and good on your end, because I am here with the Gemini man predictions for September!

Hello, darling readers, how are you? I hope all is well and good on your end, because I am here with the Gemini man predictions for September, so sit down, get comfy, and let’s go!

The first week of September puts the Gemini man in a quarreling mood. This won’t last, as his libido is very high as well, so he will be torn between pushing his agenda and succumbing to the womanly charms of his lover or partner. It’s a great time for all kinds of adventures and exciting dates that take you outdoors.

The second week of the month holds a pretty powerful Full Moon in Pisces, and this affects both his fourth and tenth houses, which will, in turn, put the Gemini man in a pensive mood and he will be properly scatterbrained thanks to his ruler turning Retrograde. Now is a good time for peace and quiet and for journaling in order to get in touch with his feelings and thoughts.

During the third week, the Gemini man is advised to take things slow and to relax as much as possible. Now is a good time for dates that focus on fulfilling his desires, and indulging in activities that can ease his mind and his heart. His kids are going to need extra time during this transit, so it’s only natural to spend time with them.

The final week brings a blessing in the form of a New Moon in Libra that takes place in his fifth house of fun and pleasure. Now is a perfect time for romance, cuddles, and quality time spent together. You can also do fun stuff with his friends and have a blast, don’t forget that…

A War Between The Heart And The Mind…

During the first week of the harvest season, the Gemini man’s focus will be on his lover or partner, and there are possible quarrels and complications as the Moon opposes Mars in his first house of self.

This is going to be a trying time for his relationships, in order for him to realize the truth about his feelings, and to decide how he wants to take things going forward. His libido will be very high as well, so he might try and “fix” emotional problems with sex.

This is not recommended as these deeper problems can and will persist, but if that’s where the flow takes you, then it is what it is. This is a perfect time for adventuring, going on public dates or dates in nature, and having fun doing something adrenaline-inducing and extreme.

This is also a great time to be romantically pleased, so if you have any romantic ideas or visions about how you want your dates to go down, then now is the perfect time to speak up and suggest anything that crosses your mind. The Gemini man will be very open to ideas and exciting plans during this period.

Murky Waters Rising

During the second week of the month, we have a Full Moon in Pisces conjunct Retrograde Neptune. All of this takes place in the Gemini man’s tenth house of public image and career. He will be torn between his family and professional obligations during this second week.

His mind will be jumbled as Mercury, his ruler, turns Retrograde in Libra, his fifth house. So, it’s possible for the Gemini man to make double plans, or to make promises he cannot keep, which might take its toll on his romantic life.

His dreams and subconsciousness are perpetually getting more turmoil, as Uranus is also Retrograde and getting back closer to the North Node. He will want to spend time with his friends during this second week, but as Jupiter is also in Retrograde, the question is: will he have the time, and if he doesn’t, what will be the state of his mind?

He’s getting increasingly overburdened with his own undealt thoughts and emotions, and this second week will put him in a pensive mood, whether he likes it or not. It’s a good time for visiting a therapist, writing in a journal, and getting to know the darker parts of himself.  All of this can help him on a daily basis…

Taking It Slow Is Not A Crime

The third week of September puts a proper accent on himself through the Moon’s transits across the Gemini man’s first house. He might be more hedonistic and focused on himself than in the previous days, but bear with him, he needs to deal with all that junk that came pouring down from his subconsciousness during the second week.

Now is a good time to indulge him, to put the focus on him and his needs. It’s also a good time to talk about his diet, whether he is stress-eating or not, and how to deal with negative patterns that he has been ignoring for a while.

It’s possible that he will have some unexpected expenses, so it would be wise to be careful with where and how he spends his money.

His family is still holding a precedent over everything else thanks to the Sun and Venus in Virgo, in his fourth house. This is a perfect opportunity to spend time with his kids and to do something fun and healing with his family.

The Gemini man should focus on the activities and dates that make him feel good and relaxed. Now is a perfect time for relaxing activities and dates that have the power to ease his mind and his heart.

New Moon – New Me

During the final week of September, the Gemini man will feel energized and more positive than he has been feeling in the past days. This is a great time for him to reconnect with his children’s lives and daily activities, as well as to spend time with his lover or partner doing some very fun and flirtatious things.

His mind will be fast and focused on achieving his goals during this week, and the New Moon on the 25th will provide an opportunity for him to take things in a new, romantic direction. It’s a perfect time to renew your vows, or to make your relationship official.

It’s also a perfect moment for candle-lit dinners, walks near the lake, and professing your true and real emotions. This New Moon offers a chance at a new beginning, and with it come new opportunities for happiness and growth.

Spending time with his friends is also advisable, so if he suggests you finally meet them, then go for it! Plan some fun activities, do things together, and laugh a lot – this transit is made for that, so make sure to enjoy it to the fullest.

Read next: 5 Little Ways To Show A Gemini Man How Much You Appreciate Him

Final Thoughts

September will be a challenging month for a lot of us, but the Gemini man ought to feel it on a more personal level as his ruler – Mercury – turns Retrograde. His moods will be more pensive during the first half of the month, he might even be robust and set on quarreling.

This leads back to undealt emotions and trauma from the past. He should take the opportunity and make peace with his internal self and heal his inner child during this harvest month.

The end of the month brings forth a kinder atmosphere and a better mood for the Gemini man, and the New Moon provides a splendid opportunity for him to reconnect with his lover or partner and indulge in all kinds of romantic activities together.

Are you looking to deepen the relationship potential with your Gemini guy but you’re not quite sure how to go about it? Then why not take a look at my VIP consultations. Let me help you get the love life you deserve using my knowledge in Astrology.

Wishing you so much love and happiness!

Your friend and Relationship Astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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