Gemini Man Prediction For August 2022

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
Hello, dear readers! Summer is in full swing and we are onto one scorcher of a month, and here are the August predictions for the Gemini man.

Hello, dear readers! Summer is in full swing and we are onto one scorcher of a month – that goes for temperatures and the heat that Leo season is thrusting upon us! No sign of the Zodiac is safe from this big, fiery Leo vibe… so let’s find out what the Gemini man will do with this bold and bright energy!

The first week of August puts the Gemini man in an analytical mood. His state of mind will be as if he’s a detective on a serious mystery case, and he’ll be solving all these mysterious delays and how it all plays into his plans. As for romance, it’s a good time for hiking and philosophical trail-blazing.

During this second week, there’s a Full Moon conjunct Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius, and this will trigger the Gemini man’s wanderlust and need to plug out and go somewhere where he can contemplate, be alone with his thoughts and clear his head. It’s a good moment to express yourself romantically and to speak your truth boldly.

The third week of August will show an increase in libido, romance, and active lifestyle for the Gemini man. He should make both family and friendship amends. He should also go on adventures with newly found friends and family members, but he should not make and act on hasty decisions about his career and public life.

A new week, new month, and New Moon all at once, prepare the Gemini man for the next month and autumn harvest vibes. It’s a perfect time to go and get a reading, have fun, and immerse yourselves in intellectual and analytical topics that will draw you closer to each other. Begin something new that only the two of you will get and understand.

The Flip Of A Coin

During the first week of August, the Gemini man will feel analytical and selective about who he hangs out with. He will be under the pressure of his fears and incoherent dreams that will be troubling him, but he won’t be able to determine what, who, and why this is making him feel troubled.

His travel, career, and social plans will all be delayed, and that could be a perfect thing that saves his head at this time. Your Gemini guy might feel annoyed and prissy about it, but in the long run, it’s a good thing – trust me. These delays will also give him the necessary time to think and act with more integrity and resolve when the right time comes.

Towards the end of the first week, the Gemini man’s mood will lighten up and he will be romantically inclined. It’s an excellent time to go horse-riding, drive to the mountains, and get into philosophical topics and deep conversations under the starry sky.

This first week is good for bold and romantic conversation, grandiose verbal expressions of love (like writing love letters or emails or sticky notes), and remaining true to your emotions while also displaying them bravely.

Full Moons Are A Time For Reflection

During the second week of August, there’s a Full Moon in Aquarius conjunct Saturn Retrograde, and this will create a strong wanderlust and the need for escapism in the Gemini man. His mind will also be more unreasonable, as Mercury will be on the Pisces degree, which will make him susceptible to illusions and inner feelings that might not be explainable.

He will feel more optimistic though, during this week, as his thinking mind and communication skills will receive a more romantic (albeit dramatic) note, thanks to Venus in Leo.

It’s also a good time to review and revisit old fetishes and fantasies. Playing out what used to make his heart beat faster might prove to have a very healing and ready-to-move-on effect on him.

If you get a sudden urge to travel or go somewhere, away from the city and the noise, now is a pretty good time to do so. Choose a destination that can provide good internet access, but also some amazing views of the clouds and high altitudes.

Vivid Mars Transits

During the third week of August, the Gemini man will see a rise in his libido, resourcefulness, and the need to become more active in his pursuits thanks to Mars moving into his very own sign. He will also be more open about his feelings, not just analytical and short anymore.

His dreams might increase in intensity and vividness, but this time, he will be able to act on them and expel that extra energy he garners during sleep. It’s important for him to follow his instincts and be as active during this time.

Your Gemini guy is also advised to make amends with family members during this time, but not to make any promises he’s not sure he’ll be able to fulfill. As well, it’s a good time to see some very old friends and to get into adventures together.

He should not make any sudden career changes or “improvements.” He is asked to show patience and resolve. Now is the time to cook up ideas, not make them into nuclear waste. It’s a good time to go to the aquarium or to visit a terrarium.

A Fresh Start

During the fourth week of the month, the Gemini man will feel invigorated and ready to rumble. Lady Luck will be on his side, and any endeavors he might get an urge to execute during this time will be successful.

On the 27th of August, there’s a New Moon in Virgo, and this is a perfect opportunity to make new romantic resolutions and plans. It’s a perfect moment for romantic dinners that will be filled with intellectual topics, for flirting and sharing humoristic vibes.

Go see a stand-up comedy show, go to a bar and play beer pong, insert the coin into the jukebox and dance to your favorite song from your youth, do something wild and funny together, and have an absolute blast while you’re doing it all. You might also learn a thing or two about each other in the process.

It’s also a good time to start a dream journal and to inspect dream symbolism more closely. If you know a psychic person or a proper medium, go there for advice or Tarot reading; you might get surprised at the messages that come through.

Read next: 5 Little Ways To Show A Gemini Man How Much You Appreciate Him

Final Thoughts

There you have it, my darling readers, the August predictions for the Gemini man. He’s got a lot on his subconscious plate right now, so he might give off sluggish vibes during the first two weeks of August. But nothing lasts forever so that state of his won’t either.

He’ll recover quickly after the Full Moon, and come the second part of the third week of August, he’ll be back to his usual, trickster self. Make sure to use this time to get under his skin, so use all your charm, intellect, and sense of humor to make a lasting impression on him.

During the ending week, it’s a good time to have some exciting and mentally stimulating activities, as well as to go and get a divination reading. the Gemini man will be more open and susceptible to the messages from the ‘great Beyond,’ so now might be a perfect (and only) time to get through to his Higher Self.

Some of these moods, benefits, and changes are going to feel different for individuals than I have explained here. While generally accurate, these predictions don’t reflect the entire depth of information found within your partner’s Birth Chart and your own.

I noticed this and saw a perfect opportunity to bond more with my readers. As a result, I created the VIP Consultation service for my readers who desire one on one consultations with me. It’s a way for me to get to know you and for you to gain personalized insight into your relationship.

Wishing you light, love, and all the luck in the Universe on your journey!

Your friend and Relationship Astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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