Amazing Secrets Help A Capricorn Woman Understand, Attract And Keep A Gemini Man Until He Gets Down On One Knee & Prays For Her Love & Devotion... — And These Truths Turn Any Capricorn Woman Into His “One & Only” Even If You Don't Yet See How You Can Be Really Compatible

Hey there my beautiful Capricorn lady!

I am delighted to have you here today. Coincidence? I don't think so… I believe you are here for a reason: you want a committed relationship with that Gemini man in your life.

But you might also be feeling a bit stuck or confused about him, not exactly sure how to move your relationship forward in the right direction.

Don't worry… I've got good news I'll share with you in a minute, but first let me reveal a few secrets about your special love combination.

I know you're a clever, cool lady and it's fun and inspiring to have you around. You're generally an awesome partner and that Gemini should be LUCKY to have you by his side BUT…

Capricorn ladies may tend to be a little calculative and stubborn from time to time, don't they? Even when Geminis try to remain easy about it, they can harbor a lot of conflict inside which can upset destabilize your relationship.

By the way, did you know that singers like Dolly Parton, Ellie Goulding and Aaliyah are Capricorn too and that's not all. Famous actresses like Nina Dobrev and Noomi Rapace and supermodel Kate Moss also partake in your sign's crew?

Now about your Gemini guy… He's a pretty intelligent man, but, let me tell you, Gemini is not too keen on uncertainty!!!

He is usually a cool guy, but sometimes he can GET ABSENT-MINDED for no obvious reason. He seems to be hyperactive, and though Twins enjoy being curious and active, they can sometimes get INDECISIVE. Though they are the most communicative sign, they sometimes WON'T communicate clearly enough.

Naturally, this may leave anyone puzzled.

On the to other hand, let's face it: he's also a FANTASTIC catch… if you know what to do with him and how to get under his skin. If you know how to make him want you and see you as a great match you have the potential to be.

Actors like Dwayne Johnson, Johnny Depp, Russell Brand, and Mark Whalberg. are Geminis too. Not bad, ey?

So how do you to work together, and can you really be more compatible?

The truth is a Gemini and a Capricorn CAN be compatible… but there are certain obstacles for this couple to overcome if they want to make their relationship successful.

In my career as a relationship astrologer, I have consulted many clients with your special combination and I have helped them find a way to align their stars and make it work after all.

That's why I have so much faith in your relationship with a Gemini man.

Others have done it, too.

Actor Johnny Depp and Kate Moss...

Legendary Paul McCartney and Heather Mills...

… and of course, (my personal favorite) Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis are just some of the famous Capricorn-Gemini couples that made it work, despite the unique challenges they had to face… so why wouldn't you?

I have seen it happen before.

As in any relationship of course, there are certain challenges.

While on the plus side, you are likely to be really compatible in terms of character, but there will likely be some issues that may obstruct what would otherwise be a perfect relationship…

I'll list a few to look out for,

The Top 8 Challenges A Capricorn Woman Will Face In A Relationship With A Gemini man…

  • Capricorn women can sometimes be too stubborn which may really annoy Twins,
  • Both of these signs can get territorial which might jeopardize their relationship,
  • Capricorns may sometimes appear as too sensitive to Gemini guys,
  • Capricorn ladies sometimes tend to get overly critical of their partners which can often put too much pressure on Twins so they leave…
  • Capricorn women can often succumb to inertia which Geminis are not that keen on…
  • Capricorn ladies are often liberal in terms of their views of this world, so they can sometimes cross the line when it comes to Twins's somewhat conservative views…
  • Geminis can get too lost in their ways, abstract and impractical, while Capricorn can get stuck in their dogma and strives for utility, which creates serious discrepancies in this combination…
  • If a Twins gets sloppy and a Capricorn lady feels neglected, they may easily fall out of love…

This means that their marriage will be focused on their social impact and intellectual exchange, and it will look like a union between two friends more than a union of marital partners.

He will be focused on the material and intellectual side of life, and in many cases, she will feel protected by his entrepreneurial skills, but she will always try to add something to his achievements where she thinks he is lacking, like different or innovative approaches to their assets or tasks. So, their success will derive from mutual efforts. He will leave her enough space to spice up their relationship, but she will have to be aware that too much freedom and a lack of discipline might ruin their union, especially if children are involved.

These are just some of the unique hurdles that a Capricorn lady will need to tackle in a relationship with a Gemini man.

And unless you learn to understand him on that deeper level so that you may align your signs to work together… your differences might push you apart instead of bringing you closer.

But what if I told you that despite all these initial obstacles, a relationship between Gemini man and Capricorn woman CAN indeed work?

The KEY is to make the right moves based on your unique match. You can't take a one-size-fits-all approach and treat him just like any other guy.

You must first gain a deeper understanding of his personality, then learn to bypass or eliminate the naturally negative sides while simultaneously accentuating the positive sides of your relationship.

For example, you'll have to learn that Geminis usually do not look too keen on their partners nagging too much. Being creative is one thing, but being critical is something else…

Let me tell you, you don't want him to think that you're nagging all the time! You'll need to know exactly how to present yourself so as not to let him think that and I'll help you do it! 

I'm looking at you girl… just calling it as it is and I'm doing that for your sake. I want you to get that guy.

Your combination is a complex one and there are more positive perks than disadvantages to it. You might be really compatible, but there are still things to look out for if you want him to really commit.

You should never allow for him to get annoyed by your potential vanity, because he may very well leave and look for fun at other places. And this is especially important in the first few months of your relationship…

I don't want you to turn him off for good because of some mistake that could have been easily avoided… and that's why I've decided to help you keep him by your side.

You see…

As a relationship Astrologer I get dozens upon dozens of requests to help couples by doing a synastry reading/compatibility chart and advising women like you on how they can succeed in love with their particular man.

And while I LOVE doing in-depth readings, they truly take a lot of time. So I have to reject most people who ask for a personalized reading.

This makes me quite sad as I can't help everyone even though I'd like to…

And that's not counting the majority of women who do not know the exact time and geographical location of their Gemini man's birth. So they couldn't get a full reading done even if they can afford to.

So I kept thinking… What should we do?

How do we get around this little barrier to reading him, and still discover key information about you as a couple?

Is there still a way I can give you highly accurate and useful insights about your relationship, showing you how only a Capricorn woman works with a Gemini man?

How does a Capricorn make a Gemini man fall head over heels in love, maybe even obsess over her day and night... eagerly waiting for your response to his romancing text messages...

Yes, that's quite possible when you tap into your most positive & attractive Capricorn traits and understand how they connect with his Geminian personality (especially when it comes to love & relationships).

But, how can you understand him deeply & open his heart... without his precise birth information AND without investing hundreds of dollars for a private synastry reading, a detailed chart analysis?

Obviously not everyone is able to afford or has the required birth data...

Unfortunately, there was no way for me to give a more accurate response without his exact data, yet there had to be something I could do to help you more as a Capricorn woman.

Because I couldn't give the exact same advice to you as a Capricorn woman as I'd give a Gemini or a Taurus, especially not a Pisces.

It just wouldn't work the same way.

Your Gemini would respond in a slightly different way. And those details do make a pretty significant difference.

And then THE ANSWER came to me one night last summer.

What if I develop a step-by-step, practical and super-detailed Special Report (and it is very special indeed and I'll tell you why)... a report that dives DEEP into how you as a Capricorn woman, and he as your Gemini man can get closer together.

Closer than ever before.

And then the two of you lovebirds can happily walk down the aisle after he asks you to marry him and spend the rest of your life together.

Now of course I can't promise that will happen to you but I know if has happened to other Capricorn women I have consulted about their Gemini man.

Without actually analysing your birth charts it would be impossible to predict, but here's what I do know for sure:

What I'm about to share with you will dramatically increase your chances... if marriage & committment, pampering and love is what you are hoping from your Gemini.

Your chances will, without question, be infinitely better compared to not having this same Special Report in your hands.

Now obviously, creating such a Report requires a lot of work. And I hoped someone had already done it... but to my surprise, nobody ever bothered!

The truth is... you can read a bunch of ‘general’ articles online about how Capricorn and Gemini match together.

But very few of them take into consideration that HE is a MAN, and you... are a wonderful Capricorn lady.

Yes, we must be gender specific and not gender-neutral and here is why:

There is a Yin and a Yang, there's masculine energy and feminine energy in this Universe whether some like it or not this is a fact. Just like some zodiac signs are feminine while others are masculine.

Even if some of them take gender into consideration, you'll barely get any in-depth information on how your signs work together.

Let alone how your signs can work BETTER together when you align the stars in your favor.

There's simply no real analysis of your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities or threats out there. And even when there is something, it's just entirely incomplete!

There's a popular Astrology book called “The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need”, and it's a good book for the general public... but do you know how “deep” this book goes in covering Capricorn and Gemini compatibility?

200 words.

I believe you deserve more than that!

I mean come on, two hundred words is less than the daily horoscope sections of most astrology sites.

So in all fairness, nobody covered your love combination the a way it should be.

This means that (unless you are lucky to know your Gemini man's exact place, date, AND time of birth) you can barely find any in-depth, let alone PRACTICAL and immediately applicable information on this rare love combination.

In fact, did you know that only about 0.69% of couples around the world (of over 7 billion people) share this special combination — Capricorn woman and Gemini man?

Yep. Quite amazing, I know.

Still, it's so rare that nobody else (until yours truly) had the courage to plunge into cracking your unique love code.

Specifically... how you as a Capricorn woman can catch & keep a Gemini man.


Well, it's not just that it's hard work it's also that very few astrologers actually understand how relationship compatibility works.

I've dedicated years of research and countless hours working with clients like you, one on one, analysing thousands of compatibility charts and studying thousands of relationships and how they may improve by tapping into the astonishing power of Astrology.

Not only that, since most of my clients are women, I've devoted years of obsessively studying men and decoding their thinking, behavior, desires and psychology… often to a scientific level.

All of this makes me a natural advisor when it questions of love, relationships, and compatibility. I'll tell you what ‘hot buttons’ to push on your Gemini man in a way only a true Capricorn can. And this is what makes you unique to any other woman in his life.

You already have this power. The only question is, will you recognize it, will you take advantage of it?

Today I'm finally ready to give you the TOOLS to win him over (and keep him) inside this brand-new and one of a kind Special Report:

Inside Gemini Man Capricorn Woman Secrets…
I show you how to flip this game and NEVER chase a Gemini man again.

DISCLAIMER: Gemini Man & Capricorn Woman comes as a digital product.
The image above is for visualization purposes only.

Instead, have him chase you and beg for the love and loyalty you are able to provide, one that he will cherish happily ever after.

I promise you will discover more about him & your relationship simply by reading this Special Report (in a short afternoon) than most women could DREAM of learning even in a lifetime of dating him.

And I guarantee you won't find such deep, detailed and practical information about how a Capricorn woman can make a Gemini man fall for her... anywhere else!

If you do, I insist you ask for your money-back. And yes, you do even get my iron-clad, money back guarantee. Despite this Special Report costing you barely nothing... you'll see I'm nearly giving this away.

The reason it's so affordable is precisely because I want you to take this advice and put it into action right away and I certainly don't want money to be any issue stopping you from you discovering these simple, yet powerful secrets to having a Gemini fall for you.

Of course I could charge more, but I don't want people to miss this only because they couldn't afford it. Especially now that we are on the verge of a new worldwide economic crises.

I suggest you get it and find yourself a strong Gemini man to protect you when things go out of control, as they very well might. Just don't say I didn't warn you.

But before I let you have your copy, I must warn you…

THIS report is definitely NOT for everyone. It is actually quite controversial. Pretty brutal, in a way.

Brutal in its honesty.

If you get offended easily, if you're looking for someone that will sugarcoat the truth for you. That's not me.

I'll tell it like I know it is and have seen countless times in real life.

I'll help you discover if you are wasting your time with a guy who's just not worth it and who does not deserve you.

That may not be the thing you'd like to hear but it may be the only thing you should.

I'm here, first and foremost, to protect you, my Capricorn sister.

If he's good for you, sure, he's invited to come along. But if he's not, I won't lie to you. And that's something you'll easily see once you study this Special compatibility report.

So DO NOT purchase it unless you're ready to get smacked with gallons of truth about your relationship.

Some of my advice you'll love, some will SHOCK you and some of them you will, at first, want to disagree with... but deep down, you will know these make you angry because you I am, in fact, right.

So please, Capricorn, if you do decide to get this special report, do so with an Open mind and open heart. I'm on your side.

With that in mind, let's see what you'll get inside.

Here's just a fraction of what you'll discover inside my Gemini Man Capricorn Woman Compatibility report:

  • Why men respect what they fight for, why they value what they won in a fight and how you can have him fight for you and chase after you like you're the first and only woman in his life,
  • Key things a Twins desires in all aspects of his life and how you may tap into this desire to have him thinking about you and only about you,
  • Gemini man belongs to the mutable air element so his thoughts, actions, and emotions often change…. I'll teach you how to avoid the mistakes that Capricorn ladies may tend to make from time to time and have him commit to you like he's never done before despite his mood swings…
  • Twins sometimes love texting and phone conversations, but not always and not all kinds… I'll show you how to take your "texting game" to the next level and have him glued to his phone while he waits for your response…
  • In addition, you'll learn how to tease him so that you ignite the never before seen fire of passion in his heart and... other parts of his Geminian figure,
  • Learn how to visually satisfy your Gemini's criteria (Twins are very visually oriented) and please him so that he can't wait to see you again and immediately starts thinking about you as a potential wife material. No matter what you want to achieve in your relationship, it's always good to have a Twins view you as a potential spouse, trust me on that...
  • Twins have a knack for art and they love when their women are free spirits. I'll reveal some to-dos and not to-dos so that you can amaze him and have him value your style and respect you more… as a person and as a woman… that deserves to be worshipped,
  • You'd be surprised with how much they base their relationship and sexual satisfaction in intellectual connection! As in everything, there are dos and don'ts in that department too and I'll teach you some tricks to ensure that your Twins is… well-fed so to speak… so that he always comes back for more….
  • There are signs based on which you can tell whether he is in his "player phase" or just fears commitment. That's usually one of the first things a Capricorn woman should look out for. I'll teach you how to better read those phases of his so that you always have the upper hand…
  • You'll learn the rules a woman needs to set from the start if she wants for her Gemini man to chase after her and not the other way around. I will reveal to you how to make him put his back into satisfying you,
  • After you've already engaged in a relationship, I'll tell you how to adequately reward him so that he keeps trying real hard to win your love even long after he has already won your heart…
  • You know when things go south and eventually it feels like there’s nothing more to say between you two? I'll tell you how to communicate to keep that fire alive and have him always want to talk to you for hours…
  • How to show him who you really are and let him get to know the real you so that he falls head over heels in love with you. I will also tell you what not to reveal at first so that he doesn't prematurely lose interest…
  • A significant part of dating nowadays happens online. I'll teach you a thing or two about getting to know your Gemini online. I'll tell you which questions to ask first and where to meet him so that you win a safe-bet and get a hold on that prized catch!
  • How to present yourself and what to do so as to attract real Geminis who are into real dating and who will cherish and love every inch of you…
  • I'll reveal which type of women does a Twins fall for and how should you dress if you want him to chase after you and not the other way around.
  • I'll tell you what radiates that sexual tension that always keeps Twins coming back for more…
  • Twins are very verbal and a lot of communication these days gets done on social media. That's why I'll tell you how to text (or even sext) your Gemini so that his hands shake from lust and desire as he reads your messages.
  • I will also tell you what to say to keep him interested mentally, uplift his mood and reinvigorate him after a busy day so that he can't wait to get back home to you,
  • I'll teach you about the role he needs his feminine partner to play in his life so that you two lovebirds fit like two perfect pieces of a puzzle made for each other. If you follow my advice accordingly, he will never want to leave your side,
  • I will tell you what to say to spice up his boring day of work so that he can't stop thinking about you and can't wait to see you,
  • I will tell you what Geminis want and expect in bed and what to focus on so that you become a queen of his pleasure and have him treat you and reward you as a queen as well… and let me tell you, Twins know how to reward Capricorn ladies,
  • Geminis love creativity and change in all spheres of life, and bed's no difference. I'll share some advice that will bring much needed friction into your sex life and provide much needed nourishment and satisfaction to both you and your Twins. It's really simple, but it works…
  • Mercury is the ruling planet for Gemini which means that there are certain ways of intimate connection he particularly enjoys. I will discover which spots to focus on to drive him mad and have him WANT to discover your sweet spots as well,
  • I've already said that Geminis are sensual and are only turned on when their intellectual criteria are met. But they also like being laid-back, so I'll tell you how to talk to them in a way that will really make him become addicted to your presence and value you as someone they REALLY want to share their lives with.
  • Geminis are known for their long and exceptional performances in bed and… other places… so you'll want to adequately surprise him in order to have him surprise you,
  • I'll teach you how to turn your differences into advantages and how to take good care of your man so that you can satisfy each other's inner craving for belonging…
  • I'll tell you about the different types of nourishment his body and soul may need before he truly commits so much that he doesn't ever want to leave your side,
  • I will show you how to avoid getting trapped in friends with benefits situation and how to have him want you as a girlfriend, woman, wife and maybe even as a mother of his children…
  • I'll tell you about the sex-dynamics that will keep him engaged and keep you safe and utterly provided for in his arms,
  • You'll learn about sugaring a Gemini man which will allow you to invest in your looks and skills for which he'll take care of you even more than you take care of yourself,
  • I will teach you about the things that get Gemini guys to appreciate, respect and eventually fall in love with you so that the butterflies in your stomach can keep ravin' for years to come...
  • Capricorn women may sometimes seem carefree and hard to get. I'll teach you how to turn that feature in your favor and master the rules of power games you'll play.
  • I'll tell you how to spice things up so that it never gets old and dull for you. Your Gemini will worship for your newly found creativity…
  • I'll tell you how to be subtle about your sexual appeal so that your Gemini burns with desire for you, but still doesn't lose his admiration for your character,
  • Best and simplest steps to get under his skin so to speak and have him consider you a part of his being…
  • Secrets of charming Geminis so that their worlds starts revolving around you and you alone
  • Little known secrets of negotiating your terms of relationship with a Gemini man so as not to get played and really have him give his best to make it work with you,
  • Some of the most overlooked problems that Gemini and Capricorn must overcome in order to succeed in living and functioning together…
  • The easiest way to get a Gemini to like you (you'll never guess what it is),
  • I will teach you how to restore hope for a relationship with a Gemini man that needs too much space
  • The only way to reveal what he wants and understanding his personality
  • Gemini men get turned on by unexpectable traits of their partner. Learn how to keep him chasing you even though it looks like he has lost interest
  • Gemini guys are often jealous which can make a relationship with this guy a bit suffocating. Understand his deepest fears and learn the only right way to handle his jealousy
  • What his silent treatment after arguments mean and the proper way to deal with it
  • You have a crush on a Gemini guy, but don't know how he feels about you? I will reveal you the right way to approach him without scaring him off or getting hurt
  • I will teach you what you need to know about him if you want to get serious with your Gemini man
  • Is meeting a Gemini man on a dating website a good start or not?
  • All the things (including not-so-nice ones) that you should know about Gemini men that he doesn't want you to hear about
  • Gemini guys are extremely intellectual beings that get turned on by your mindset and lifestyle. Discover which buttons you should push to make him miss you every day
  • Gemini man checking up on you often is a fire sign he has fallen madly in love with you, but wait until you discover other 6 signs that reveal he has fallen for you
  • Does he ignore your texts every now and then? Discover the reason why he does it and learn how to correctly interpret this behavior
  • Sometimes it's really hard to tell what's going on in a Gemini man's mind. If your relationship has been quite rocky recently, you’ll learn how to know if he's done with you or not.
  • If you're dating a Gemini guy you must have noticed that these guys don't like confrontation. This is exactly why a Gemini guy might be putting off a break up even though he is unhappy. Learn what to expect from a breakup with a Gemini man and learn to read the hidden signs that something is wrong with you two.
  • Texting a Gemini guy can be a real nightmare, but there's something you should know about these men. There is a GOOD reason why your communication gets fussy from time to time and that makes them so bad at texting or calling. Discover why
  • WARNING: Mood swings are a common thing among Gemini men. If you're involved with a Gemini guy, you need to understand how this trait can affect your loving relationship and how to take these changes wisely.
  • When is the right time to reveal your feelings to a Gemini guy, and when it is absolutely too early
  • The single biggest game-changer when it comes to dating a Gemini, especially a Gemini guy!
  • The #1 reason why Gemini guys like being around Capricorn ladies…
  • Eventually, I'll teach you how to set your criteria so that you don't waste time and energy with jerks and while you could be in the arms of a real Gemini man who is all about pleasing you and taking care of you in any and every possible way…
  • And much, much more.

Without a doubt, this is the closest thing you can get to a compatibility reading, but without the high cost…

And there’s more!

Gemini Man Capricorn Woman Compatibility Audio Training (valued at $29.95, yours free)

To give you an even deeper understanding of your Gemini/Capricorn love combination, I've recorded a special audio training decoding the unique ways your signs can blend interests.

It's a never before released audio that'll teach you more about him than any other Capricorn woman ever knew about him before.

DISCLAIMER: Gemini Man and Capricorn Woman is a digital product.

The image above is for visualization purposes only.

And best of all, you get this additional audio guidance at no extra charge when you decide to order your Gemini man Capricorn Woman Compatibility Report today.

Here's just some of what you'll learn inside this unique AUDIO ANALYSIS of the Capricorn woman and Gemini man:

  • Ways of bringing forth a balance between his air and your earth sign so that you ignite the spark of devotion that will keep you two lovebirds at it for years to come,
  • Both Capricorn and Gemini are sometimes known for being somewhat extreme in their own respective ways. I'll tell you what harmonizes your two very different natures so you can relax and enjoy in his loving embrace…
  • I'll teach you how to adequately tease your Gemini lover so that he keeps yearning for your presence more and more as time goes on,
  • I'll tell you which things to exhibit moderation in order to seize his heart and keep him by your side for years to come…
  • I'll teach you what Twins are really after in relationships and how to avoid potential misunderstandings so as to achieve the equilibrium of emotional… and physical needs well satisfied…
  • You'll find out what exactly Gemini falls for and what to nurture so that you have him eating… out of your hand,
  • I'll tell you about the tendencies your signs nurture in terms of business so that you may achieve intimacy by means of cooperation and a shared sense of mutual purpose…
  • I'll share secrets about ways of improving your compatibility by telling you where your natural discrepancies are and where your astrological advantages lie. Why not make it as smooth as it gets?
  • I'll tell you a few things on how to overcome the obstacles in your relationship in order to fit like two perfect pieces of a puzzle,
  • What makes relationship strong and how to maintain it and elevate each other's moods to make him want you in his life NO MATTER WHAT.

Now, of course I don’t simply expect you to take my word for it.

Instead, take a look at how women like you feel about my astrological guidance…

How Other Women Feel About My Astrological Guidance


“I love the practical advice you give! I've followed astrology for years and with most of it is the same stuff repeated. BUT YOU ARE DIFFERENT!! You give new insights and advice that I've never heard before. Thank you!” - Alanna

“Thank you Anna... I appreciate your guidance - you have given me so many insights to stay on track while I get to know his sign better and all the things I've missed a long the way... It's a very exciting journey and mostly enjoyed because of what has already been revealed... x” - Lora

“I'm very impressed with how accurate your information is when it comes to my man's sign. It's helped me navigate the relationship in a totally different way than I ever would have prior. It's made our communication better because I understand where his actions are coming from, so I respond rather than react! I'm no longer feeling triggered or overly sensitive when he seems to appear more distant...I now understand his needs more deeply. Those are the times that I let him be and concentrate more on myself and my own needs. As a Life Coach it's helped me see how powerful this "inside track" can be in relationships. THANK YOU Anna!” - Deborah

“Well worth receiving and following Anna. She is very accurate and I find her highly intuitive! I never thought I would follow her, however after reading the report you will find she carries so much knowledge and is very warm and friendly always trying to help better your life!” - Lynn

“The information I received was very informative, and interesting. It really made me see things in a different way. And some of the tips worked well when I put them in motion. I like the fact that I will be able to reflect back on this information whenever I want. Thank you.” - Michelle

“So accurate! It was really helpful to me to understand the sing and things that I didnt know how to deal with! Now I have a deeper understanding and much clarity of how he feels and thinks, so I know how to act with him. Thanks a lot!!” - Diana

“I found the information Anna shared to be very helpful indeed..after using all of the tips she shared, I can honestly say that the transition which took place in my relationship with Mr Gemini, has been phenomenal..I'm truly grateful and would definitely recommend Anna's expertise on the subject of Astrology and how it affects our relationships..the great part is, its all so effortless when you have the right tools and the relevant information to use..I feel confident and calm and all is well in my World..Thanks to Anna” -Shantha

“Anna is amazing. I’ve been reading her publications to give me a better understanding of the man in my life through her knowledge of people through their sun and moon signs. Even after 30+ years of marriage I’ve learned better methods to communicate with him. And it happened because Anna shared her very special skill of understanding people from their horoscope signs. Anna is caring and supportive and truly wants to help couples to better understand one another. I would encourage anyone to read Anna’s work. She’s amazing.” - Barbara

“This lady is so accurate it’s scary how she described my guy. She is sooooooo good” - Lisa

“ I am so impressed with Anna's guides. I have read gemini men dirty secrets and it is very accurate, perfect advise to understand his personality in so many areas. Moon in Aries gave me a complete idea about the emotional landscape of my man. Her newsletter about "how to conquer gemini every month, are the most comprehensive and value advice about how to approach him. She is an extraordinary astrologer.” - Gaby

“Anna’s work has given me so much insight on both past and present relationships- I’ve learned so much about my partner, and surprisingly, I’ve learned even more about myself. Finding the tools to better communicate in a way that is not only effective, but effortless has been the key in improving my relationship.” - Ashley

“I loved all the secrets Anna had to share and her personal stories made it feel almost like home... Iam definitely working on some and i already see a major change!!! If i had Money i would probably buy all her books amd maybe pay for travel expenses to follow her around lol... No Seriously i Usually do not take my time to leave any opinions not out of ignorance just timing... But I give her AA++ So i felt she deserved some good Feed back!! Thanks again Anna and i look forward to looking into some more of your Amazing Secrets!!!” - Jillian

“I never believed in astrology but after joining this page, I can say that this is mind blowing. I am really impressed by the results and the accuracy is insane !! Keep up the good work Anna !!” - Kim

“Anna knows exactly the traits and characteristics of my Aries man.. she had been revealing tips to help bring itd closer together without scaring him off.. worth every penny” - Robyn

“Hi! I was super skeptical about this, but decided to take the quiz for s**ts and giggles. I was pleasantly surprised at how accurately this nailed my mans personality. From the obvious traits, to his little quirks. The advice was/is spot on! I even shared some of these traits with him and even he couldn't deny how spot on it is. Thanks for the insights! Super useful!” - Maggi

“Just want to say Thank You from the bottom of my heart, so far I’ve taken your advice and our relationship couldn’t be better” - Elizabeth

“I LOVED reading all of the insight she seemed to have and it always hit so many things right on the nose!!! I’ve always been into astrology but the accuracy she has is just mind-blowing!!! Definitely worth every minute!!!” - Sarah

“Anna is absolutely amazing!!! She has hit everything with accuracy and unbelievable insight! I have never been happier” - Jessica

“Hi Anna, you have really helped me to connect with my Leo man. We had a little hic-up in our relationship, and when I purchased you Leo Man Secrets, it helped me to understand him much more. We are getting along excellent now. Our relationship is moving forward to positive energy. I can't thank you for all your support when I write to you for advise. You head me in the right direction every time. You are truly amazing. Best wishes” - Sharon

“Thanks Anna. Your advised me thoroughly how to cope and much more about my relationship with my partner.and they all worked” - Carrie

“Thank you for roadmaping where I need to be with my special someone. Your books brought the one I love back in my life ! Thank you for your advice and knowledge on astrology.” - Regina

“Thank you Anna! The book I have purchased from you has helped me understand so much. The information is very useful & it is enjoyable reading!” - Carole

"Thanks Anna you are amazingly accurate and spot on ! Your books have been invaluable in helping me understand men ! Everyone should be using Astrology to help them understand the people in their life and the way explain things is so simple even for people who are new to astrology ! Please keep writing more books for us !” - Shanna

“What can I say but Wow! So insightful. Anna because of your Gemini guides and other useful tips and guides that you send or that I have purchased, I am forming a beautiful bond with a really great guy! Being an Aries, I am certain I would have chased him away or impatiently run away myself. The information is so golden to understand his temperament and the whys as well as putting me at ease by the knowing. I have also grown personally from the valuable information! Thank you!!!!” - Jennifer


And while I receive letters like these every day, I’m not just sharing them to show off, but rather to encourage you that indeed, these same astrological insights may prove valuable to you, too.

They are available, the choice is yours.

“Anna this sounds great, but what’s the investment?”

Let me ask you this…

What’s it worth to you to truly understand your Gemini man and your relationship in a way no other woman in his life ever could?

What’s it worth to you to have a completely new way to connect & effective way communicate with him?

What’s it worth to you to stop worrying and, instead… be completely confident about your love…?

Wouldn’t it be nicer if he chase you for a change?

Then again, can you really afford not to have this information…?

Would you avoid pitfalls and potential mistakes along the way jeopardizing your relationship… simply because your opposites weren’t neutralized on time?


It’s a bit hard to put a price on this for me, too.

Now while I regularly charge $250-300 for full compatibility readings, I also understand that not everyone can afford my private readings (and there’s a limit to my available time as well)…

But is my mission to help as many women as possible get the relationship they want, and of course I’d never want money to get in the way of love. And this is precisely why I created this specialized guide.

In this case you’ll get practical, step-by-step guidance on your combination with a Gemini man, and at the fraction of the price of my private readings…

The regular price for Gemini Man Capricorn Woman Secrets will be $37, and it’ll still be worth it considering what you learn inside… but I’ve got good news for you.

Now for a short time…

Because you are new here and in order for us to get to know each other, I’ve decided to make Gemini Man Capricorn Woman Secrets available to you for just a one-time investment of $17.

Yes, I know that's less than a quick coffee-and-cake with a girlfriend. Yet you can keep using this knowledge for a lifetime.

(plus, I’ll give you 3 free ‘fast-action’ bonuses when you order today! See details below.)

I wanted to make this an easy, affordable, and risk-free decision for you. (more on that below)

But while I cannot guarantee how long I’ll be keep it at this special price, and it’s also why I urge you to take advantage of it while it’s still available…

What I can guarantee is this: you won’t find this information anywhere else, and you can start using these secrets TODAY and see an IMMEDIATE effect on your relationship with a Gemini man.

So you can quickly try it yourself and see how it works for you.

To take advantage of this special offer, simply click “Add To Cart” below to receive Instant Access to your copy.

But wait, there’s more!

I personally guarantee 100% that you’ll discover new ways to pull him close and keep him closer.

As I’ve said, I want to make this an easy and completely risk-free decision for you. That’s why your order today is fully covered by my 100% money-back & satisfaction guarantee.

In fact, I’m so confident that you’ll learn something new and valuable about your relationship with a Gemini man, that I am happy to remove all the risk for you.

In the unlikely event that you are not completely happy with your purchase, simply email me within 60-days with your order number, and I’ll promptly return every penny. No questions asked.

I insist that you leave happy!

Again, you have nothing to risk and everything to gain by giving this a fair try. Get your copy today, start using my guidance, and see how it works for you in just a few days.

It’s that simple. Click “Add To Cart” below to receive immediate access to your copy. Plus, check out the 3 ‘fast action’ valuable bonuses I give away when you order today.

PLUS, Get My ‘Fast-Action’ Surprise Bonus #1: Gemini Man’s 7 Hidden Love Messages (yours Free!)

I was thinking how I can make this an even easier decision for you… and because you are on this page right now, I’ll throw in an additional ‘fast-action’ special report for you (valued at $27, yours Free!)

If you decide to order Gemini Man Capricorn Woman Secrets today… I’ll give you a free copy of Gemini Man’s 7 Hidden Love Messages (How Gemini Shows Love Even When He Seems Cold Or Sends Mixed Signals). 

Because what if he loves you but doesn’t show his love the same way as you? What if he expresses love in his own special way?

It’s true.

Every sign shows love in slightly different ways, and so does your Gemini man… What if he seems cold or confusing, yet you’re just speaking a different love language.

If you misinterpret his love messages, you might feel unappreciated, unloved, or uncared for… and will feel the same. And while this may be true, perhaps you are just misreading his signals. (And if you’re not, I’ll give you a few tips trigger love.)

Once you know exactly how Gemini communicates love, you’ll know if he really loves you and how to further nurture and promote that behavior in him. Or how to help him express it in a way you are open to receiving love.

Trust me this will save you so many fights, arguments and heartache down the line!

PLUS, you’ll finally know the exact love language he responds to and how to mirror it right back to him so he feels loved and appreciated in a way he is open to receiving your love.

Inside 7 Hidden Love Messages you’ll discover the true meaning of his behavior and how to subtly ‘direct it’ in your favor.

And it gets even better!

‘Fast-Action’ Bonus #2: Love Numerology Secrets (yours Free!)

When you order today, for a short time I’ll add two more exclusive bonuses at no extra charge.

This 47-page special guidebook “Love Numerology Secrets“ (valued at $49, yours free!) show you how to calculate the most powerful numbers in your lives and what those numbers say about you, him and your romantic compatibility!

You’ll learn how to use the Ancient System of Numerology to Attract “The One,” Empower Yourself, and Align with Your Life Path…

It’s the ideal companion to Astrology to further cement your understanding of each other and increase your compatibility faster.

Discover inside:

  • How his “life path” number reflects his destiny, virtues and future challenges,
  • His Expression or “destiny” number, and reveal his goals, dreams, ambitions and the talents which make him unique,
  • The “shadow” elements of his experience and personality – understand the dark parts that lie beneath the surface before they take control of your relationship,
  • How numerologically compatible you are and what’s his best and worst match numbers are,
  • Practical ways to use this information to attract “The One“ or better align with your romantic or life partner,
  • And much, much more…

‘Fast-Action’ Bonus #3: Feng Shui Love Manual (yours Free!)

What if you could simply move a few things around your house and suddenly open a portal of love flooding into your life?

What if you could unblock hidden ‘love corruptors’ in your home that may be suffocating your relationship this very moment…?

It’s real. Try and see for yourself. You will see and feel an immediate difference in your relationship.

The Feng Shui Love Manual (valued at $49, yours free!) is the quick and easy way to unleash a flood of love and romance into your life...

This special report is packed with practical… “do this, do that”, add this/remove that, easy-to-do tips and tricks designed to provide IMMEDIATE results!

It has proved to work time and time again for me and thousands of my clients looking to improve the flow of love and romance in their lives. Try and see for yourself! I teach you all you need to get started within my Feng Shui Love Manual.

Here’s some of what you’ll learn inside:

  • Why “missing corners” might be bringing you rejection and difficulty keeping your perfect partner,
  • The dangers of placing reflective surfaces like mirrors and water in ways that increase the risk of him cheating, and create instability in your relationship,
  • The “Eight Mansions” formula that can cure romantic disharmony arising from harmful Qi,
  • How to calculate your unique “Gua Number” to make sure you’re not turning the opposite way from love,
  • Understand the connection between the fire in the kitchen and the heat in your love life,
  • How to give the universe the signal that you’re ready for love, and attract it into your life,
  • And much, much more that'll remove “blocks“ and open you up for true love and relationship-bliss…

Yes, you get all these bonus trainings free when you order today.

Here’s a quick overview of what’s yours today for just a one-time investment of $17…

  • Gemini Man Capricorn Woman Secrets special compatibility report,
  • Gemini Man Capricorn Woman Secrets Audio Training, (yours free!)
  • Gemini Man’s 7 Hidden Love Messages special report (yours free!)
  • Love Numerology Secrets (yours free!)
  • Feng Shui Love Manual (yours free!)
  • My 60-day, 100% satisfaction & money-back guarantee,

Sounds fair enough?

Click “Add To Cart” below, and you’ll receive immediate access to everything on the following page.

You can begin learning more about your Gemini man within 5 minutes, and gain new insights, tips, tricks and secrets about making your relationship rock solid… seeing real results in just a few days.

The means are available, the choice is yours.

See you inside,

Your friend and Relationship Astrologer,


If you have any questions, feel free to contact my support team for quick answers at


Still undecided?

Let me try to help…

The way I see it, you have three options.

Option #1: do absolutely nothing and stay exactly where you are right now.

If you are already in a happy relationship with a Gemini man who loves and values you, and you're not worried about your relationship’s future what so ever…

If your relationship is already as perfect as it could possibly be and your compatibility makes all your friends jealous…

Then perhaps you don't need to learn anything else.

Maybe this isn’t really for you.

But if you often experience communication issues or misunderstand or misinterpret each other…

If you don’t yet feel that he is fully committed to you and giving you the love, romance and connection you desire… and if you feel there is still space for your relationship to grow…

… that leaves you with two other options.

Option #2: do it yourself.

You can continue reading the ‘daily horoscope’ section of newspapers, and popular women’s magazines, ask a friend who ‘knows everything’ about astrology, or simply try figuring him out on your own with a ‘hit and miss’ strategy… cross your fingers, and hope you don’t push him away by following general dating advice…

There’s nothing wrong with this. It’s how most women do it.

Unfortunately, there are millions of women out there in unhappy and broken relationships. I know because that’s usually when they come to me.

Trust me, prevention is the best medicine.

Option #3: let me show you the way.

Take me up on my special offer… gain total control over your relationship’s path…

You have nothing to risk and everything to gain by giving it a fair try. All for just one easy investment of $17.

And you get all these valuable free bonuses, too.

I’ll teach you exactly what Gemini needs & desires in love and how to give it to him in a way that makes you The One and only astro-logical choice in his life.

Because these are the exact same astrological secrets that have worked for so many of my clients, I am confident they will help you, too.

Try it risk-free and see how it works for you.

I only hope my guidance proves as valuable to you as it has for thousands of others.

Sending you love,



“I absolutely wish I would have read Anna's descriptions earlier. They were incredibly accurate and I would have approached things differently with the guy I was seeing.” - Sheryl

“All of Anna's books and articles are SO insightful. I've met an amazing person who's the opposite sign to me, and I would've been lost and confused if it weren't for her resources. I am so grateful for how specific to the signs she is, and how there are different ebooks for different applications within each sign. Thank you so much for everything you do Anna, you've made love & acceptance so much more accessible to me.” - Jasmine

“This learning experience turned my cold home into a marriage from heaven . You are so on point and the emails come exactly when I need an answer from the universe. I love them” - Portia

“She is amazing!!! The things she taught me from her books saved my relationship. She is ? on point with her advice. No lie!!! I love her advice couldn't have saved my man without her help.” - Cathy

“Your insights into Libra and Libra connection were so spot on - we are now back on track - I now understand his traits - still hard work , has to work on his communication skills though (otherwise very frustrating:-/ ) thank you Anna for the insights, you have helped heaps :) He always puts a smile on my face anyways.” - Carolyn

“Wow! Impressive. I did not realize many of these very accurate bits of knowledge were even a thing. Very insightful and things started making sense quickly. Thank you!!” - Jennifer

“I have really enjoyed the compatibility guides as well as the other guides about the different signs. They are informative and interesting and I am learning a lot!” - Tonya

“We always had a fight with my gemini man and broke up with him a few times but Anna is excellent in describing the true nature of a gemini man. Thus, I learned how to deal with it and now our relationship is getting better. Thank you so much Anna” - Marlyn

“Highly recommend! Anna definitely knows her stuff and it shows she's done tons of research. Even the biggest of skeptics can and should try this quiz and I honestly believe they will become believers and be blown away. You can't make stuff up - Anna has done a wonderful and thorough job!” - Christine

“So glad I stumbled across this!! Finding out the secrets hide in my guys sign has helped me soo much. I now know what he needs from me and it’s working to draw him closer to me” - Cindy

“I have been amazed by her accuracy and knowledge. She nailed it with the man I’m involved with. Anna helped me understand the reasons why he does what he does and how to handle it. Thank you!” - Marianne

“I’m pleasantly surprised how much accurate info I got about my Taurus man ♉️ I was confused before getting mixed signals not knowing where I stand but it all started to make sense to me now . I’m glad I reached out to Anna it was worth it. There is still plenty of things I want to find out.Thank you” - Agnes

“This test and the following information is so accurate, really amazing! In a way it changed my life already, understanding circumstances much deeper from what I learned from Anna! Love it!” - Doris

“I was completely blown away. From going completely crazy and frustrated with my other half to having understand him so much better. I've even gone on to help others in my star sign understand their man better and they've left feeling happier. ANNA YOURE AMAZING. Thank you” - Angelique

“Thank u Anna for sharing this beautiful talent with us insightful inspiring motivating and eye opener , Astrology helpd me to know and understand myself, and that i jave the power to manifest anything i wish for, thank u you are a blessing” - Tebogo

“OMG! I downloaded her info on this topic and I was totally blown away! Everything was definitely accurate and it relates to the awesome Sauces connection I have just started with my new Gemini man soulmate! This Aries gal is gonna be so damn happy after 25 yrs of being Alone on my spiritual journey!” - Sherry

“Anna's report is spot on. I've studied zodiac for years, and these insights are very detailed and accurate. I enjoy the info in her emails as well.” - Jacque

“Omgoodness ! I can't begin to tell you ..ive always loved reading my horoscope, heck since I was a young teen. But never before Anna Kovach have I ever had True belief in astrology. Totally amazed at how "smack dab" straight on , everything you said was so true. Amazed and so happy I fell upon you and your knowledge. Thankyou..from my heart” - Denise

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